+234 803 851 4090, +234 908 290 7092, +234 905 646 3036, +234 807 991 7938 centralinfo@noun.edu.ng

Career Profile

Dr. Nwamaka Patricia Ibeme is a Reader in the Department of Public Administration at the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), where she also serves as the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Management Sciences. With a Ph.D. in Public Administration (Human Resource Management), Dr. Ibeme has been a faculty member since 2011, significantly contributing to both academic and administrative advancements. She was previously the Head of the Department of Public Administration and the pioneer Coordinator for the South East Geopolitical Zone Incubation Centre under NOUN’s Directorate of Entrepreneurship and General Studies.
Dr. Ibeme’s research focuses on Public Administration, Human Resource Management, and contemporary public sector issues, with numerous publications in local and international journals. She is also a passionate educator and mentor, fostering an inclusive learning environment and guiding graduate and doctoral students toward successful careers.
A highly respected professional, Dr. Ibeme has served on several committees and editorial boards and has been recognized for her exemplary leadership. She is an active member of various professional bodies, including the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management of Nigeria (ACIPM), the International Professional Managers Association (IPMA), Fellow, Association of Public Administration Researchers.
As a licensed Human Resource Practitioner and subject matter expert in Learning and Development, Dr. Ibeme is deeply interested in public sector administration, human resources, gender studies, and entrepreneurship. Her personal interests include reading motivational and investigative books, as well as listening to classical and gospel music.

Nwamaka Patricia Ibeme
Headquarters – Abuja
Management Science
Public Administration
Deputy Dean
+234 8033258226


Honours and Distinctions
• Certificate of Excellence in Creativity and Innovation for contributions to university entrepreneurship education and ODL (Open and Distance Learning).
• Letter of Commendation for significant contributions towards the successful NUC accreditation of MPA and M.Sc. Public Administration programs in 2022.
Membership of Learned/Professional Bodies
• Associate Member (ACIPM), Chartered Institute of Personnel Management.
• Member, Association of Female Academics in Higher Education Institutions in West Africa.
• Member, Nigeria Institute for Training and Development.
• Member, International Professional Managers Association (IPMA-UK).
• Certified International Professional Manager (CIPM-UK).
• Licensed Member, Human Resource Professional (HRPL-CIPM).
• Fellow (FASPAR), Association of Public Administration Researchers – Executive Member.
Teaching and University Administration Experience
Teaching Experience
1. Lagos State University, Lagos – Part-Time Lecturer (2004 – 2005).
2. University of Calabar, FESTAC – Part-Time Lecturer (2006 – 2007).
3. Administrative Staff College of Nigeria (ASCON) – Facilitator (2008 – 2009).
4. National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) – Lecturer (2011 – Present).
University Administration Roles
• Head, Department of Public Administration (2020–2024)
• Coordinator, Southeast Incubation Centre (2017 – 2020).
• Coordinator, PhD Public Administration Programme (2016 – 2024).
• Coordinator, Review of Course Materials in the Public Administration Department (2015 – 2017).
• Coordinator, M.Sc. Public Administration Programmes (2015 – 2017).
• Member, NUC Accreditation Committee for Public Administration Programmes (2012 – 2019).
• Chairman, NUC Accreditation Committee for Public Administration Programmes (2020).
• Subject Officer for Conference Marking and Project Supervision for B.Sc., PGD, MPA, M.Sc., and PhD students (2015 – Present).
• Member, Editorial Board for NOUN Journal of Management and International Development (2018 – Present).
Additional University Leadership Roles
• Chairperson, Public Administration Instructional Video Production (2021 – 2024).
• Chairperson, Public Administration Course Facilitation Committee (2020 – 2024).
• Chairperson, Public Administration National/Local Conference Committee (2020 – 2024).
• Chairperson, Public Administration Research Grant Committee, NOUN (2020 – 2024).
• Chairperson, Public Administration Departmental Academic Board (2020 – 2024).
• Member, Faculty of Management Sciences Postgraduate Faculty Board (2015 – 2024).
• Member, Faculty Appointment and Promotion Committee (2014 – 2024).

Research Contributions
• Research Grants & Projects
o Tetfund: I.B.R.
 Leveraging on Technology Incubation Programme for Skills Acquisition and Job Creation Among Women and Youths in Nigeria (Lead Author: Dr. Patricia Ibeme, Co-researchers: Dr. Musa Zakari, Mr. Lugard Mumen) – Published.
o Tetfund: I.B.R.
 Appraisal of Government Efforts on Commercialization of Research and Development (R&D) through Technology Incubation Centres in Nigeria (Lead Author: Dr. Patricia Ibeme, Co-researchers: Dr. Musa Zakari, Dr. Patience Nnenna Okoronkwo, Dr. Jibril Ubale) – Published.
Leadership in Academic Committees
• Chairperson, Needs Assessment Committee, Faculty of Management Sciences, NOUN – October, 2024
• Chairperson, Virtual facilitation of Public Administration Courses (2020 – 2024).
• Chairperson, Public Administration Course Facilitation Committee (2020 – 2024).
• Chairperson, Public Administration Research Grant Committee (2020 – 2024).
• Member, Committee for the Development of Rubrics for Non-Examinable Courses (2021 – 2022).
• Member, Committee on High Index Journals for Academic Staff Publications (2022).

1. PAD306: Ecology of Public Administration – NOUN press 2015
2. PAD412: Introduction to Administrative Practices and Procedures – NOUN press 2015


3. Ibeme, P.N. and Eya, E., (2017). “E-learning and Mobile Education: Panacea for Bridge Gender Inequality in Nigeria”. A Book of Reading: in Resources Management in the 21st Centry: Lagos: Faculty of Management Sciences, NOUN. pp. 215 – 243.

4. Ibeme, P. N. (2014). “Preparation for Retirement”. Contemporary Issues on Management in Organizations: A book of Readings. Maduabum, C.P. (Ed.). Ibadan: Spectrum Books. pp. 372- 390.


5. Madu, M. B., Ibeme, N. P., Abdulrasheed, A. A., Oyetimein, V. O., & Madu, S. B. (2024). Analysis of Workplace Stress Levels On Employee Productivity Among Non-Teaching Staff At The National Open University Of Nigeria. Unizik Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies, 18(3).

6. Ganzallo, Oluwafemi Daniel , Ibeme, Patricia Nwamaka, Ochala, Mark . (2024). Evaluation of fiscal management practices on the quality of primary education in Edo state . Journal HUMANUS DISCOURSE Vol. 4. NO 3. ISSN 2787-0308 (ONLINE) http://humanusdiscourse.website2.m e

7. Aminu Sani Dutse1; Ibeme Nwamaka P2; Mark Ochala3; Musa Zakari4 (2024) Effect of Capacity Building Programmes for Ad-Hoc Staff In Election Security And Crisis Management In Kano State, Nigeria. Unizik Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies VOL.18 (3); July-December, 2024 https://unijerps.org

8. Rafua Nweke Henry, Ibeme Patricia Nwamaka & Ebele Angela Udeoji (2024) The role of
government policy programme in the growth and development of MSMEs in Nigeria International Journal of Advanced Studies in Business Strategies and Management | IJASBSM p-ISSN: 2354-4236 | e-ISSN: 2354-4244 Volume 11, Number 1 February, 2024 doi: 10.48028/iiprds/ijasbsm.v11.i1.13

9. Rafua Nweke Henry, Ibeme Patricia Nwamaka & Ebele Angela Udeoji (2023) An assessment of
critical infrastructure and sustainable development goal in Nigeria. NOUN Journal of Management and International Development Volume 7. Issue 1 December 2023. ISSN:978-978-928-241-0. P. 1-10

10. Ibeme, N.P., Abimboye J. T., Madu M., Atuegbu M. C., Ibeme, Y. A. (2023). Contemporary Issues and Prospects towards Effective Implementation of Revenue Allocation in Nigeria Kampala International University (KIU) journal of Humanities, Vol. 8(3) ISSN: 3007-1704 https://www.kampalajournals.ac.ug/ojs/index.php/kiuhums/article/view/1690

11. Madu B. M., Ibeme P.N., Ogwuche M. (2023). Evaluation Of E-Governance Implementation in Public Service Delivery in the Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA), Nigeria. NOUN Journal of Management and International Development (NOUN JOMAID) Vol 7 (1) ISSN:978-978-928-241-0

12. Ibeme, P. N, Ganzallo, O.D., Atuegbu, C.M., Ibeme, C.S. & Ibeme, A.Y. (2023). Factors Underming Local Government efficiency in selected local Government Area of Edo State. Keffi Journal of Public Policy and Administration, Vol. 12(2), 146-156 ISSN: 977-4996-7688 Online ISSN: 977-4995-7635

13. Nwogwugwu, N., Raymond, N. O. & Ibeme, P. N. (2023). Impact of political leadership on economic development in selected states of South-East, Nigeria. Journal of International politics and Development. Vol. 21(2), 103-122

14. Ibeme, P.N., Abimboye, J. T., Atuegbu, C.M., Chinedu, S. I., Ibeme, Y. A. (2023). Effects of Sustainable Development Goals on Poverty Reduction, Water and Sanitation in the Pandemic Era, Nigeria. Kampala International University (KIU) journal of Humanities, Vol.8(4).

15. Anyadike, N.O., Nwachukwu, S.T., Sylvia, U.A., Ugwu, O., Ibeme, N.P. (2023). Impact of Social Change Through Science and Technological Advancement in Nigeria’s Economy. Journal of Global Social Change. Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Change. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-030-87624-1_99-1.

16. Ibeme, P.N., Abimboye, J. T., Madu M., Atuegbu, C.M., Ibeme, Y. A. (2023). Contemporary Issues and Prospects towards Effective Implementation of Revenue Allocation in Nigeria. Kampala International University (KIU) journal of Humanities, Vol. 8(3). DOI: https://doi.org./10.58709/kiujhu.v813.1690

17. Ibeme, P.N., Musa, Z., Mumen, L. (2023). Leveraging on Technology Incubation Programme for Skills Acquisition and Job Creation Among Women and Youths in Nigeria.
The Journal Public Administration and Regional Studies (PARS). Vol 16 No 2 (2023): PARS https://www.gup.ugal.ro/ugaljournals/index.php/pars

18. Oradiegwu Chinwe, Ibeme, Patricia Nwamaka, Ochala Mark. (2023). Evaluating the Effects of Increased Openness on Land Administration in the Federal Capital Territory. International Journal of Advanced Research in Public Policy, Administration and Development Strategies (IJARPPADS). Vol. 6, No. 1 September, 2023 e-ISSN: 2489-012X p-ISSN: 2315-8395 DOI: 10.48028/iiprds/ijarppads.v6.i1.19

19. Ganzallo, O. D, Ibeme P. N, Ochala M, Adewole A. E. (2023). The Nexus Between Social Media Use, Cybercriminal Activities, And School dropout Rates among Students in Edo State Nigeria. NOUN Journal of Management and International Development Volume 7. Issue 1 December 2023. ISSN:978-978-928-241-0. P. 1-10 NOUN-JOMAID-07-01-2023-040

20. Okeke, R. C., Nwachukwu, S. T., Ibeme, P. N., Agu, S. U. (2022). Defining Social Change in Nigeria, Journal of Global Social Change. Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Change. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Change. Accessed on 9/7/2023. Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-030-87624- 1_77-1.

21. Oradiegwu Chinwe, Ibeme, Patricia Nwamaka & Ochala Mark (2023). Impact of Abuja Geographic Information System on Land Administration in the Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria. NOUN Journal of Management and International Development. Pages 562 – 576. Volume 7, Issue 1, December 2023

22. Ojikutu, O., Nwogwugwu, N. & Ibeme, N. P. (2022). Recycling of solid waste and Control of air pollution in Oyo and Rivers States, Nigeria, Journal of International Politics and Development, 20(1), 131-146.

23. Ibeme, P. N., Musa Z., Okoronkwo, P. N. and Yahaya, J. U. (2022). Appraisal of government efforts on commercialization of research and development (R&D) through technology incubation centres in Nigeria (June 20, 2022). Journal of Humanus Discourse, Redeemer University Ede.

24. Oguonu C.N, Ezeibe C.C, and Ibeme P. N. (2022). Political Economy of
Local Government Exclusion in COVID – 19 Responses in Nigeria JUPEB Journal of Development and Educational Studies (JJDES), Vol.1, No.1., Enugu: TIMEX.

25. Musa Z. and Ibeme, P. N. (2022). Public Perception on Local Government Administration and service delivery in Keffi Local Government, Nasarawa State, Association of Public Administration Journal Vol. (1)1, 136-143

26. Ibeme, P.N. and Musa, Z. (2022). The Imperative of re-skilling Human capital in post- Covid workplace: A study of Central Bank of Nigeria. Function of Executive and Empirical development strategies for the millennium. Awka, SCOA Heritage Nigeria LTD. ISBN: 978- 978-8555-21-6.

27. Amadasun, A.B. and Ibeme, P.N. (2021), In search of Sub Sahara Africa (SSA) and China’s Infrasturectures Development Agneda: Unipolarity Versus Multipolarity. In Dantata, I.J., Zalanga, S., Amadasun, A.B., Ukaogo, V., Katuka, K.A., Hizqil. M.H. & Ogwola, I.R. [eds.] (2021). Trajectories of Nigeria‟ Development Experiments: Challenges and Prospects. Fesrschrift in Honour of Professor Andrew Haruna. Gilgal International Publishers & Editors Ltd, Rayfield, Jos, Nigeria. Pp 81- 92.

28. Olumide, K, Oguonu, C.N, Ibeme, N. P and Nwachukwu C (2021). National Health Insurance Scheme and Sustainable Health Care Delivery System in Delta
State, 2010 -2015 Nigeria Journal of Public Administration and Local Government 22 (2) UNN: PALG.

29. Okolie C. A., Ibeme, P.N., Nnamani, V.S. (2021). Ethinicity and Primordial Cleavages: a Bane to National Unity and Development in Nigeria. In Public Administration Perspectives. A Bi-annual Journal of the National Association of Public Administration Academics and Practitioners of Nigeria. ISBN: 978-978-59331-6-1 Vol.1, No.1, December, 2021.

30. Musa Z, Ibeme, P.N., Okoronkwo, P.N. (2021). Effect of e-Governance on Teaching and Learning in National Open University of Nigeria. In NOUN Journal of Management and International Development (NOUN-JOMAID). Volume 6. Issue 1. Nov. 2021. ISSN: 978- 978-9 28-241-0.

31. Akhakpe, I. B. and Ibeme, P.N. (2021). Political Economy of Federalism and Political Restructuring in Nigeria: An Alternative Framework for Sustainable Federation. In Lagos State University (LASU) Journal of Public Administration and Management. Vol.2. No.3. pp. 99-111. ISSN: 2536-7773.

32. Ganzallo, Oluwafemi Daniel, Ibeme, Patricia Nwamaka, Ochala, Mark. (2021). Analysis of Alternative Fund Mobilization on Enhancing 21st Century Primary Education in Edo State. International Journal of Advanced Research.Public Policy, Social Development and Enterprise Studies Vol. 4, No. 2. DOI: 10.48028/iiprds/ijarppsdes.v4.i2.15 p-ISSN: 2536-6548 | e-ISSN: 2536-6556

33. . Ibeme, P.N and Chidolue, P. N. (2020). Effect of Technological Environment on the Performance of Public Enterprises: A Study of Enugu State Housing Development Corporation, Enugu South- East Nigeria. Journal of Public Administration and Governance Research (JPAGR). vol. 3 No.1. pp. 301-32.

34. Ibeme, P.N. and Nwankwo, F. O. (2020). Effect of Entrepreneurship on Career Aspirations of Students of Tertiary Education Institutions in Enugu State, Nigeria. Lagos State University Journal of Public Administration and Management. Vol. 2 No. 2. Pp. 127- 139.

35. Ibeme, P.N. (2020). Evolving Piloting Role of Administrator: From Administrative Leadership to Boosting Entrepreneurship Development. Sapientia Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Development Studies. Vol 3, No. 3. pp. 349 – 361 https://www.sgojahds.com/index.php/SGOJAHDS/article/view/126

36. . Ibeme, P.N. (2020). Effect of Leadership Styles on Human Capacity Building and Sustainable Management of SMEs In Enugu State, Nigeria. The International Journal of Management, Social Sciences, Peace and Conflict Studies (IJMSSPCS). Vol 3,No.3 www.ijmsspcs.com pp. 431 – 45,

37. Ibeme, P. N. (2020). The Role of Mentoring in Human Capacity Building In Higher Education: Insights from Universities in Enugu, South-East Nigeria. Sapientia Foundation Journal of Education, Sciences and Gender Studies (SFJESGS), Journal of Enugu State University. Vol.. 2 No.3 ISSN: 2734-2522 (Print); ISSN: 2734-2514 www.sfjesgs.com pp. 335 -350.

38. Ekwochi, E.A., Orga, J. I. and Ibeme, P.N. (2020). Influence of Public Relation„s Strategies on Growth of Micro and Small Businesses In Enugu Metropolis. INOSR Arts And Humanities 6 (1):138- 157, 2020 138 © INOSR Publications International Network Organization for Scientific Research. pp. 138-157 www.inosr.net/inosr-rts-and-humanities.

39. Orga, J.I., Ibeme, P.N. and Ekwochi E. A. (2020). An Overview of Challenges and Survival Strategies of Small Scale Businesses in Enugu Metropolis (A Study of Selected Small Scale Businesses) International Academic Association Journal of Social Sciences (IAA-JSS). 6(1):91-99. ISSN: 2636-7289 IAA Journals. www.iaajournals.org pp.91 – 99

40. Ibeme, P. N. (2020). Effect of University-Industry Linkages on Commercialization of Innovations of Higher Education: Evidence From Enugu State, South-East Nigeria. International Journal of Development and Management Review (INJODEMAR), FUTO. Vol. 15 No. 1 http://ajo/index.php/ijdmr/index; pp. 96 -126 www.ajol.info;http://africaneditors.org/journal

41. Ibeme, P. N., Agu S. U. and Chidoluem, N. P. (2019). Comparative Analysis of the Approaches to Quality Assurance Administration in Open and Distance Learning and Conventional Universities: A Study of University of Nigeria Nsukka and National Open University of Nigeria. Wukari Journal of Public Sector Management. Volume 1, Number 1. November. Pp. 230-273.

42. Nwekpa K. C., Bernadine O. E., Chikelue C. N. and Ibeme, P.N. (2019). Effect of Cybercrime on Performance of e-business in konga.com. International Digital Organization for Scientific Research ISSN: 2550-7974 IDOSR Journal of Arts And Management
4(2): 87-97 www.idogr.org pp. 87 – 9

43. Ibeme, P.N. and Obioji, J., (2019). Effect of Work Environment on Employees‟ Performance in the Public Sector In South-East Nigeria. Journal of Public Administration and Local Government, University of Nigeria Nsukka. Volume xx, No.2 August 2019. Publications, available online. www.njpalg.org (ISSN: 0189–8094). pp. 52 – 81.

44. Ibeme, P.N. (2019). Influence of Staff Training and Development on Workers‟ Performance at Federal Teaching Hospitals in South East, Nigeria. NOUN Journal of Management and International Development (N-JOMAID).vol.5 No.2 pp. 219 – 237.

45. Ibeme, P.N. (2019). Entrepreneurship: Imperative for Women Economic Development in Anaocha Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria. African Journal of Development Research and Entrepreneurship (AJDRE). University of Nigeria, Nsukka. vol. 4 No.1 & 2. pp. 110 – 121.

46. Ibeme, P.N. (2019). Availability of Instructional Technologies in Open and Distance Learning Institutions in Nigeria: Implications For Policy Decisions. Educational Extract. A Peer Reviewed Educational Journal of St Thomas College of Teacher Education, Pala , Kerala ISSN 2320-7612, vol. VII Issue 1. pp. 101 -116 www.stce-
pala.info, www.stcepala.org.

47. Ibeme, P.N., Musa, Zakari, Chinedu. S. Ibeme, (2018). ‘Government Strategies in the Management of Security Challenges in South East Nigeria’ AIPGG Journal of Humanities and Peace Studies, Redeemer University Ede. Special Edition 2018.

48. Ibeme, P.N. (2018). ‘Social media, affordance and utilization among users in Nigeria’, Humanus Discourse; Redeemer University Ede. Special Edition 2018.

49. Ibeme, P.N. (2018). Entrepreneurial Based Curriculum: Strategic Lever for Repositioning Human Resource Development in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Management Sciences, Faculty of Management Sciences, Benue State University, Makurdi. vol. 6, No. 1. pp. 191- 195.

50. Ibeme, P.N. (2018). President Term Limits: Relevance and Challenges in Africa. In Okolo , Anyaegbu, O., Ikpegbu, N., Elom, P. (eds). The Teacher of Teachers: A Festschrift for Dan Uwandu: Department of Theatre and Film Studies, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. pp. 310 -317

My Research Interests – Dr Nwamaka Patricia Ibeme
1. Public Administration and Governance
– Research into the management and implementation of public policies and programs, particularly in developing countries like Nigeria. This includes the evaluation of government efforts in public sector management and governance reforms.
– Exploration of the commercialization of research and development (R&D) through technology incubation centres and its impact on public sector efficiency and innovation.
2. Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Public Sector
– Investigating the role of entrepreneurship education in public sector management, particularly through the lens of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) and university-based incubation programs.
– The application of technology in driving entrepreneurship, with a focus on leveraging incubation programs for skills acquisition and job creation among marginalized groups, including women and youths.
3. Human Resource Management in the Public and Private Sectors
– Examining the intersection of human resource management (HRM) practices in both public administration and private organizations.
– Research on HRM strategies for organizational development, with special attention to talent management, employee engagement, and leadership within public administration.
4. Technology and Innovation in Higher Education
– Studying the integration of technology into higher education for improved learning outcomes and the role of technology in the administration and delivery of public administration courses.
– Impact of virtual training and digital tools on the professional development of public administrators and the wider academic community.
5. Women’s Empowerment and Youth Development
– Exploring the role of technology incubation and entrepreneurship education in empowering women and youth, especially in underrepresented regions.
– Research on policies and programs aimed at fostering skills acquisition, economic independence, and leadership among women and youth in Nigeria.
6. Policy Research and Evaluation
– Conducting evaluations of government policies, particularly focusing on public sector management and the implementation of policies designed to stimulate economic development, innovation, and job creation.
– Investigating public sector reform strategies and their implications for sustainable development, social equity, and governance in Nigeria.

7. International and Comparative Public Administration
– Comparative studies on public administration practices, policies, and governance structures between African countries and other regions of the world, with a focus on identifying best practices and lessons for policy transfer.
8. Public Sector Management and Leadership Development
– Research on leadership theories and practices within the public administration field, focusing on how leadership development programs can improve governance, accountability, and service delivery in the public sector.
– Analyzing leadership in public institutions and its impact on policy outcomes, particularly in the context of Nigerian and West African governance systems.


1. Leveraging on Technology Incubation Programme for Skills Acquisition and Job Creation Among Women and Youths in Nigeria. (2023). Tetfund IBR. National Open University Of Nigeria (NOUN).

2. Appraisal of government efforts on commercialization of research and development (R&D) through technology incubation centres in Nigeria. (2022). Tetfund IBR. National Open University Of Nigeria (NOUN).

Prospective/Returning Students