+234 803 851 4090, +234 908 290 7092, +234 905 646 3036, +234 807 991 7938 centralinfo@noun.edu.ng

Career Profile

I obtained a B.A., M.Sc., and PhD in Public Administration from the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (ABU), Nigeria. I also have an Advanced Certificate in Human Resource Management from Molloy University, Rockville Centre, New York, and a Certificate of Distinction in ‘Mastering Digital Learning: Facilitating Learning in an Online Context’ from the National Open University of Nigeria. I am a member of the Institute of Corporate Administration (MCAI), a Member of the Association of Nigerian University Professional Administrators (ANUPA), and a graduate member of the Nigeria Institute of Management (NIM). Before joining the NOUN, I worked as an Investment Banker with the then Intercontinental Securities (a subsidiary of Intercontinental Bank), and as a senior non-teaching staff at the Federal University Lokoja, Kogi state. My specialization areas are Development Administration (Gender Studies) and Public Administration. I am well published in peer-reviewed journals which can be accessed online through Google Scholar and ResearchGate.

Oboromeni Weinoh
Headquarters – Abuja
Management Science
Public Administration
Lecturer II

B.A., M.Sc., and PhD in Public Administration

National Open University of Nigeria 2023- to date
• Lecturer at the Department of Public Administration
Project supervision
Setting of Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA)
Online Facilitation of Courses/Instructional videos
MPA coordinator
Departmental E-ticketing Officer
Secretary, 2024 Department of Public Administration B.Sc. Accreditation Committee
Subject Officer, Faculty of Management Sciences in the 2024_1 Conference Marking Exercise in the North Central Zone, Abuja

Federal University, Lokoja – Kogi State 2012-2023
• Senior Assistant Registrar
SAR at FUL Liaison Office Abuja
FUL contact person to the National University Commission
and Federal Ministry of Education
Other duties as assigned by the Vice-Chancellor
• Senior Assistant Registrar
University NYSC Desk Officer
Secretary, University ICT Committee
Secretary, University Bulletin Committee
Taking Minutes of University Governing Council Meetings
Taking Minutes of University Management Meetings
Other duties as assigned by the University Registrar
• Assistant Registrar
Minutes writing, replying mails and report writing
Proofreading outgoing mails from the Office of the Registrar
Member, University Bulletin Committee
Day to Day running of the Office of the Registrar
Other duties as assigned by the Registrar
Institute of Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria 2010 to 2012
• Computer Operator
Typesetting and editing manuals for workshops
Assembling the resource materials for workshops
General Data Processing
Other duties as assigned by the Director, Institute of Education

Intercontinental Securities Limited, Ibadan 2008 –2009
(Subsidiary of Intercontinental Bank, Plc)

• Customer Service Officer

Capital Market Transactions
Verification and Allied Services
Financial Services
Jericho High School, Ibadan, Oyo State NYSC
• Classroom Teacher

Book / Chapter Publication
Books Published
1. Amupitan, O. (2011). The Role of the National Directorate of Employment (NDE) in Nigeria: An Assessment of the Role of the NDE in Reducing Graduate Unemployment in Kaduna State (2005-2009). VDM Publishing House. ISBN: 978-3-639-37833-7

Book Chapters Published in Scholarly Books
1. Dickson C.N. & Weinoh O. (2023). Workers’ Maintenance and Integration: Conceptual
Overview, Nature and Issues. In Human Resources Management: Theory and Practice in Nigeria: Chananprints. ISBN:978-978-780-873-3

2. Dickson C.N. & Weinoh, O. (2023). Decentralization and Local Government: Models, Principles and Purposes in:. In Local Government Administration and Rural Development in Nigeria: Issues, Challenges and Prospects. Chananprints ISBN:978-978-780-874-0

3. Cinjel N.D. & Weinoh O. (2022): Historical development, conceptualization and function of Public Administration in: Public Administration: Theory and Practice in Nigeria (pp.1-13) Chananprints. ISBN: 978-978-999-304-8

4. Cinjel N.D., & Weinoh, O. (2022). High Bride Price and the Burden on Women among the Mwaghavul People of Plateau State in: Poverty Reduction and Employment Creation in Africa. Advanced Publishers. ISBN: 978-051-644-2

Publications in Peer Reviewed Journal
1. Bamidele J.A., Weinoh O., Abdulrasheed A.A., Zakari M. (2024). Universal Basic Education (UBE) programme and school dropout syndrome in Northern States – Nigeria. Journal of Perspective in Management – JPM, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil. Vol. 8, e262973. https://doi.org/10.51359/2594 8040.2024.262973

2. Cinjel, ND & Weinoh, O (2024). The Fulani in Nigeria and the Herding System: Is it an Agro-Business or a Culture? Journal of Policy and Development Studies (JPDS). http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jpds.v15i1.8 eISSN: 2814-1091

3. Ochala M., Weinoh O., Madu B. M., Abdulrasheed A., & Alhassan D.M. (2023). Implementation of Public-Private Partnership Arrangement on Housing Infrastructure Development in Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria. NOUN Journal of Management and International Development (NOUN JOMAID) Vol. 7 (1) ISBN – 07-01-2023-038

4. Weinoh, O. (2023): Youth Commercial Agricultural Development Programme and Unemployment Reduction in Ekiti State (2017-2021) Nnamdi Azikiwe Journal of Political Science. Vol. 8(1) https://najops.org.ng/index.php/najops/article/view/29 ISSN: 2992-5924

5. Weinoh, O. (2023): Effects of Local Government Reforms on Service Delivery in Kogi State Nigeria. Journal of Public Administration, Kaduna State University. Vol. 2(1)

6. Chuibuzor J.O, Weinoh O. & Otohinoyi S. (2023): An empirical assessment of the effect of organizational culture on employee performance in Institute of Ecumenical Education Enugu. FUOYE Journal of Public Administration and Management. Vol.1 (1) https://www.fjpam.com/index.php/fjpam/article/view/2/22

7. Otohinoyi S., Yusuf A., Weinoh,O., (2023): Effect of funding for revitalization and salary package on industrial harmony in Nigeria universities: an experience from academic staff union of university and federal government. Nigeria Journal of Public Sector Management. Vol 6(1), 66-83. ISSN: 2814-2330

8. Dickson, C. N., & Weinoh, O. (2023). The infallibility of the supreme court and the challenges of democratic consolidation in Nigeria, 1999 – 2019. Arts and Social Science Research, 12(1), 26. Retrieved from https://fassjassr.com.ng/index.php/assr/article/view/55

9. Weinoh, O., Abdulkarim S.B., & Abubakar F. (2022): Assessment of the contribution of the National Centre for Women Development on women empowerment In Abuja. ABU Journal of Public Administration. Vol.10(1), 85-105

10. Chuibuzor J.O, Otohinoyi S. & Weinoh O. (2022). Kidnapping and Banditry in Northwest Nigeria: Implications for Foreign Direct Investment. Nigerian Journal of Political and Administrative Studies. Vol 6 (1), 92-117. https://www.bsum.edu.ng/journals/njaps/v6n1/articles/article6.php

11. Otohinoyi,S., Weinoh, O., & Christopher S.I (2015).: Evaluation of industrial relations mechanism in trade dispute settlement in Ahmadu Bello University (2003-2015). African Service Delivery and Performance Review Journal, South Africa. Vol.5, No.9, 1-11SSN: (Online) 2310-2152, (Print) 2310-2195

12. Bello M.F., Otohinoyin S., Amupitan O., (2011): An Assessment of Salary Increment on Worker Performance in Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) Kaduna. African Journal of Social Sciences, Ebonyi State University. Vol.1

13. Bello M.F., Otohinoyi S., Amupitan O. (2011): An Assessment of Salary Increment on Workers’ Performance in Nigeria Television Authority (NTA), Kaduna. EBSU Journal of Social Sciences. Vol.1 (1). Ebonyi State University

Development Administration and Public Administration.


• 2024 Senate Research Grant (SGR) Intervention for Research project titled: Role of Public Policy and Small and Medium-Scale Enterprises Growth in North-Central Nigeria
• 2017-2022 (merged) TETFund Institution Based Research (IBR) Project for the Research project titled: Assessing the Implementation of Universal Basic Education Programmes on School Dropout Syndrome in Conflict States of North-East Nigeria.

Prospective/Returning Students