Career Profile
Dr. Nnenna Nancy Chukwuma is a lecturer in the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences, she holds a Doctorate in Industrial Relations and Personnel Management from the University of Port-Harcourt, Nigeria and an Executive Masters in project Management from Project Management Collage UK. She was the Co-Ordinator CEMBA/CEMPA programme in Port-Harcourt (2015-2018), South-South Zonal incubation centre Co-Ordinator (2018-2019), The Pioneer Head- Department of Business Administration (HOD) (2019-2021) and Director Port-Harcourt Study Centre of the National Open University 2021-2024.
Dr Nnenna is a Fellow of The Nigeria Institute of Management (FNIM), Fellow, Association of Management & social Science Researchers (FAMSSR), Member International Professional Managers Association (IPMA), Member The Academy of Management (TAM), among others. She had published in reputable journals local and internationally. Her research Areas/Interest are: Hiring, Retention, Recognition, Labour Laws, Industrial Relations and Appraisals.
Nnenna Nancy Chukwuma
Management Science
Business Administration
Senior Lecturer
Bachelor of Science- B.Sc.(Sociology)
Master of Science-M.sc (Industrial Relations & Personnel management)
Doctor of Philosophy-PhD- ( Industrial Relations & Personnel Management)
10 Years
Published Journals/Articles
Hiring, Recognition, Retention, Appraisals, Labor Laws and Industrial Relations.
a. NOUN Research Grants Awardee: Principal Investigator (PI) Migrant Behaviors and Social Instability: An Interventional Study of Conflicts among Migrant and Indigenous ethnic Groups in Nigeria. 2021
b. TETFUND INSTITUTIONAL BASED RESEARCH GRANT (IBR) Awardee: Principal Investigator (PI) Unraveling the Challenges and Prospects in Building the Girl Child Resilience and Education in FCT Abuja, Nigeria- 2023.