GST 101: Communication in English-2 Credit Units
Effective communication and writing in English, Language skills, writing of essay answers, Comprehension, Sentence construction, Outlines and paragraphs, Collection and organization of materials and logical presentation, Punctuation.
GST105: History & Philosophy of Science – 2 Credit Units
Nature of science, scientific methods and theories, law of nature, history of science, lost sciences of African, science, technology and inventions, nature and scope of philosophy in science, man, nature and his origin, man, environment and resources, Great Nigerian Scientist.
GST107: The Good Study Guide – 2 Credit Units
Getting Started: How to use the book, why read about study skills, getting yourself organized, what is studying all about, reading and note-taking: introduction, reactions to reading, your reading strategy, memory, taking notes, conclusion. Other ways of studying: Introduction, learning in groups, takes and lectures, learning from T.V and Radio broadcasts, other study media. Working with numbers: Getting to know numbers, describing the world, describing the tables, describing with diagrams and graphs, what is good writing? The importance of writing, what does an essay look like, what is a good essay, conclusion. How to write essays: Introduction, the craft of writing, the advantages of treating essay writing as a craft, making your essay flow, making a convincing case, the experience of writing. Preparing for examination.
CRD101: Principles and Practice of Cooperative 3 Units
The Industrial Revolution in Britain, its effects and consequences. Early Co-operative leaders and founders – Robert Owen and Dr. William King. Early Socialist thoughts and their effects on Owen and others. The Pre-Rochdale Co-operatives and their failure. The Rochdale Pioneers and the Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers. The business practices of the Rochdale Pioneers and the Rochdale principles. First ICA Review of the Rochdale Principles. The Second ICA Review of the Rochdale principles (1966). Raiffcisen Schultze Delitzsch, The Application of the Rochdale Principles to different types of Co-operatives and in different Socio-economic and Political circumstances. The concept of SHOs and NGOs. The distribution between indigenous co-operatives and imported modern co-operatives. The nature and definitions of co-operatives. Distinguishing co-operatives from other business organizations. Classification of co-operatives. The financing and management of co-operatives. Co-operatives in socio-economic development. The early history of co-operation in Nigeria. A survey of the future of the co-operative movement in Nigeria. An overview of the problems of co-operatives in Nigeria.
MTH105: Mathematics for management sciences I – 3 Credit Units
Mathematical concept in management; Basic principles of Algebra; Introductory Differential Calculus; Simple and Compound interest computations; Permutations & Combinations; Set theory; Factors and Exponents; Logarithms; Equation and inequalities; Arithmetic Series; Arithmetic Progressions; Coordinate Geometry; Matrix Algebra and Applications
BUS105: Elements of Management I – 2 Credit Units
The objectives of the course are to explain the nature of management principles, list the functions of management, describe what a manager would do to be successful, explain the various approaches to management, highlight the major contributors of management scholars and practice to the development of management, describe the exercise of authority in the practice of management and demonstrate the importance of communication to the art of managing.
The course contents include nature of management principles, roles and responsibilities of management, social responsibility of the manager, how to be a successful manager, management by objective, history of management, schools of thought on management Part I and II, contributors to management theories, delegation of authority Parts I and II, authority nature and types of power, authority methods of influence and application in organisation as well as communication.
ECO121: Principles of Economics I – 3 Credit Units
The Basic Problem of scarcity and Choice: The Methodology of Economic Science; the General Principles of Resource Allocation; the Concepts of Optimality and Equity; Equilibrium and Disequilibrium; Micro-economics versus Macroeconomics: Demand, Supply and Price: Types of Resources Allocation Decision; Methods of Resource Allocation in an Economy: Theory of the Firm; Introduction to Welfare Economics.
JIL100: Introduction to Nigerian Law- 3 Credit Units. As in Law Programme
GST 102: Use of English and Communication Skills II– 2 Credit Units
Writing paragraphs: Topic sentence and coherence. Development of paragraphs: illustration, Description, cause and effect including definitions. Formal letters; essential parts and stylistic forms, complaints and requests; jobs, ordering goods, letters to government and other organizations. Writing reports; reporting event, experiments. Writing summaries: techniques of summarizing letters and sounds in English, vowels and consonants. Interviews, seminar presentation, public speech making, articles, concord and sentences including tenses. Gerund, participles, active, passive and the infinitive. Modal auxiliaries.
MTH106: Mathematics for management sciences II – 3 Credit Units
Mathematical concept in management; Basic principles of Algebra; Introductory Differential Calculus; Simple and Compound interest computations; Permutations & Combinations; Set theory; Factors and Exponents; Logarithms; Equation and inequalities; Arithmetic Series; Arithmetic Progressions; Coordinate Geometry; Matrix Algebra and Applications.
MKT108: Introduction to Marketing – 2 Credit Units
Definition of Marketing; Fundamental concepts in marketing; marketing evolution and phrases; the role and importance of marketing; functions of marketing; products and their categorization; marketing environment; features of industrial and consumer goods; the role of middlemen and outlets types in Nigeria; problems of distributive trade in Nigeria; the marketing mix; product differentiation and market segment; branding, packaging and labelling; price theory and price problems; marketing promotion – promotional mix; marketing information – marketing research and intelligence.
CRD 120: Sociology of Co-Operation – 3 Credit Units
Defining the co-operative – based on the co-operative principles and based on the double/dual nature. The concept of the sociological group and the cooperative business enterprise. Classification of co-operative enterprises in general according to different criteria. Motives leading individuals to forming or joining co-ops-economic, social/emotional political. Factors which influence the establishment of co-ops. In any given area-economic, social and geographical. The concept of the co-operative effect. Types of effects economic (micro and macro), social etc. Relationship between members and the co-operative-internal sub-groups in the co-operative; their roles and attitudes to the co-operative enterprise; economic effects of these attitudes on the co-operative enterprise; the co-operative nexus, spirit etc. The financing of the co-operative enterprise-share capital, its peculiarities, advantages and limitations. Measures to reduce the limitations. Self-financing of the co-operative business enterprise (Reserves) types, sources, advantages and problems. Borrowed funds: sources, types, peculiarities, advantages, limitations. The special case of the “productive co-operative”: advantages and problems, the relatively high rate of failures; suitability for developing countries. Integration in the co-operative; vertical and horizontal integration. Factors leading to integration. Economic effects of integration; problems involved in integration of co-operatives. Pricing in co-operatives the market-price, the ideal co-operative price-the deviatory factors, the co-operative price. Surpluses in the co-operative: profits, surpluses and economic results in relation to the co-operative; member and non-member business activities. Appropriation of surpluses from both transactions. Handling of losses in the co-operative.
CRD 122: Nigerian Agriculture – 3 Credit Units
The objective of this course is to be able to define agriculture and its branches, explain the importance of agriculture in terms of its contributions to the socio-economic development of the country, explain types of land tenure and factors affecting them in Nigeria, describe traditional farming types in Nigeria and compare with the modern farming, explain the merits and demerits of each of the farming system, describe the importance of research in modern agricultural development and types of cropping system, explain the problems militating against agricultural development, proffer solutions to these problems, explain the importance of extension services in agriculture, the various types of soils and crops and advise on the type of soil suitable for crops.
To enable learners understand the impact of agriculture on the socio-economic development of Nigeria. Concept of agriculture concept of land tenure system and factors affecting land use in Nigeria, types of farming and their chartertistics in Nigeria, cropping systems, problems of agriculture in Nigeria, development and modernization in agriculture, importance of agriculture to the Nigerian economy, methods and strategies in agricultural extension, economic importance of livestock and poultry to man, management principles of some selected farm animals, agricultural finance, credit and marketing, simple farm tools and machinery, types of soils and plants, agricultural biology and its scope. Scope of horticulture, methods of propagating horticultural plants, agricultural cooperatives, types and the application of fertilizer.
CRD 124: Introduction to Cooperatives – 2 Credit Units
To understand the nature of cooperative and make meaningful input into policy formulation towards appropriate development of self-sustaining and independence.
Nature of cooperation; differences and similarities between cooperative and other self-help organizations; definitions and analysis of a cooperative; cooperatives and other forms of business; classification of cooperatives; types and functions of cooperative societies; reasons for establishing or joining cooperatives, cooperative spirit, nexus and effect; conditions necessary for establishing cooperatives; factors that enhance the success of cooperatives; share capital reserve funds as a source of cooperative funds; borrowed capital as a source of cooperative fund; management of cooperatives; historical development of cooperative in Nigeria; the relationship between government and cooperative in Nigeria; the early cooperative leaders and founders; the pre-roahadale cooperatives and their failure; the first ICA review of the roachadale principles
BUS106: Elements of Management II – 2 Credit Units
The course contents include nature of management principles, roles and responsibilities of management, social responsibility of the manager, how to be a successful manager, management by objective, history of management, schools of thought on management Part I and II, contributors to management theories, delegation of authority Parts I and II, authority nature and types of power, authority methods of influence and application in organisation as well as communication
ECO122: Principles of Economics II – 3 Credit Units
Introduction to Macroeconomics: National Income Determination; the Public Sector in the National Economy; Macroeconomic Policy Objectives and Instruments; Introduction to Money and Banking, Introduction to Economic Growth and Development. Trade Politics with Particular reference to Nigeria.
GST 201: Nigerian Peoples and Culture (2 Units)
Study of Nigerian history, culture and arts in pre-colonial times, Nigerian’s perception of his world, Culture areas of Nigeria and their characteristics, Evolution of Nigeria as a political unit, Indigene/settler phenomenon, Concepts of trade, Economic self-reliance, Social justice, Individual and national development, Norms and values, Negative attitudes and conducts (cultism and related vices), Re-orientation of moral Environmental problems.
GST203 Introduction to Philosophy and Logic – 2 Credit Units
Definition and Scope of Philosophy, Philosophy as the Parent Discipline, Branches of Philosophy, Philosophy and Other Disciplines, Sources of Knowledge and Criteria for Knowing, Definition and Scope of Logic, Logic’s Vocabulary, Valid, Invalid, Deductive and Inductive Arguments, Language and its Functions, Fallacies, Definitions, Categorical Propositions, Syllogisms, Symbolizing in Logic, Truth Table Analysis, Logical Proofs of Validity Using Truth Tables, Rules of Inference and Argument Forms, Laws of Thought
ACC203: Introduction to Financial Accounting I – 3 Credit Units
The aim of this course is to introduce learners to the basic principles of accounting concepts and conventions, demonstrate how the two ledger accounts involved in a business transactions can be identified, outline the importance of accounting, determine the net profit or loss of a business at the end of the business period and show the financial statement of bu8siness concern as at a particular period. The course contents include definition and objectives of book keeping, accounting, accountancy and importance of account, principles of accounting concepts and conventions, double entry system of accounting, the ledger, trial balance I (meaning and methods) and II (errors), control accounts, journal (meaning, specimen and types of a journal, uses of journal, primary and secondary uses), rectification of errors on journal, subsidiary book – purchase, sales, cash book, bank and cheques.
STT205: Statistics for management sciences I – 3 Credit Units
The course contents include statistics and decision making process, data (its nature, source and methods of collection), summarizing data, graphical presentation of data, measure of central tendency (arithmetic mean, geometric means and harmonic mean, median and mode), fractiles, skewness and kurtosis, measures of dispersion, set theory, permutations and combinations, some elementary probability concepts, probability rule, events and BA theorem, probability distribution of a discrete random variable, binomial distribution, Poisson distribution, the hyper-geometric distribution and normal distribution.
CLL 203: Cooperative Legislation – 3credit unit
BUS207: Business Communication – 2 Credit Units
It introduces learners to the fundamentals of communication, forms and processes of communication as well as discussing communication as a part of a business enterprise. The course also links the English grammar and the various skills to learning English Language as a pre-requisite to good communication. Interpersonal relationship in an organisation is discussed, while negotiation and interviewing skills are presented as critical skills in businesses. The use of technology in businesses and organisations are also highlighted.
BFN209: Introduction to Finance – 3 Credit Units
Nature of Finance Scope of Finance Function of Finance Risk of Finance Key Role of Finance. Finance Goals and Objectives in a Firm. The Role of Financial Managers Introduction of Financial Analysis Profit planning and Pricing Introduction to Working Capital Management. Basic forms of business organization Sources of Business Finance Financial planning and forecasting Finance in the Firm’s organization structure Finance and related disciplines
MKT201: Element of Marketing (principle) – 3Credit Units
Introduction to Marketing. Marketing Environment. Product Classifications. Channels of Distribution. The role of Middlemen in Marketing Activities. Product Life Cycle and New Product Development. The Marketing Mix. Market Segmentation. Packing. Branding
CIT215: Introduction to Programming Language- 3 Credit Units as in Computer Science Programme
GST202: Fundamentals of Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution – 2 Credit Unit
Basic Concepts in peace studies and conflict resolution, Peace as vehicle of unity and development, Conflict issues, Types of conflict, e.g. Ethnic/religious/political/economic conflicts, Root causes of conflicts and violence in Africa, Indigene/settler phenomenon, Peace – building, Management of conflict and security. Elements of peace studies and conflict resolution, developing a culture of peace, Peace mediation and peace-keeping, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). Dialogue/arbitration in conflict resolution, Role of international organizations in conflict resolution, e.g. ECOWAS, African Union, United Nations, etc.
CRD204: Man & His Environment – 2 Credit Units
Man – his origin and nature, Man and his cosmic environment, Scientific methodology, Science and technology in the society and service of man, Renewable and non-renewable resources – man and his energy resources, Environmental effects of chemical plastics, Textiles, Wastes and other material, Chemical and radiochemical hazards. Introduction to the various areas of science and technology. Elements of environmental studies.
CIT 202: Applications of Computer in Business – 3 Credit Units
Introduction to Computer, Computer Hardware, Computer Software, Basic Computer Operations, Operating Systems, Computer Application Systems, Database Management System, Systems Development Life Cycle, Computer Networks, The Internet, Computer Security, Health and Safety, Information Communication Technology.
CRD206: Economics for Co-Operatives – 3 Credit Units
The Scope of Agricultural Economics. Agricultural co-operation as an integral part of the economy. Production and supply: Producer decisions. Framework for decision-making. The Production function. The law of diminishing returns. Input, output analysis, marginal analysis, cost analysis, in agricultural production. Farm management. Time element analysis, risk analysis and reduction of risk by Insurance. Consumption and demand: effect on income. Export trade. Agricultural marketing. Economic progress and agriculture. Role of technology and agro-based industries. Planning and projections. Macro-economic considerations: population, inflation and food prices. Land tenure system in Nigeria. The land use decree. Place of agriculture in national budgets. Agricultural co-operation and extension. A study of some food production strategies, e.g. O.F.N., the Green Revolution, Farm settlements, NORCAP experiment, etc.
CRD208: Nigerian & International Cooperatives – 2 Credit Units
To acquaint learners with the pattern of development of the cooperative movement in Nigeria and other parts of the world and to also provide analytical tools for comparison among cooperative approaches. Origin and growth of cooperation, notable works of scholars such as Robert Owen, William King Charles Fourier, Raiffeisen and Schultz-Delizsch, explain the successes of the Rochdale Equitable Pioneers Society, Explain the term ‘hungry forties”; pattern of development of Cooperatives in Europe, Asia, America and Nigeria, importance of Agricultural cooperation in Britain, Demark, Norway and Sweden, success of consumers cooperative movement in Britain History of agricultural cooperation in U.S.A the initial problems they encountered and solutions proffer to such problems, role played by cooperation in Indian development; Historical development of the Nigerian Cooperative movement, its achievement, constrains and future prospects compare and contrast modern and traditional pattern of cooperation in Nigeria. Structure of the cooperative movement in Nigeria, Describe the activities of the following:
- ANCE – Association of Nigerian Cooperative Exporters
- NACCUN – National Association of Cooperative Credit Union of Nigeria
- NACMO – National Association of Cooperative Marketing Organisation.
- CFN – Cooperative Federation of Nigeria
- NCISN – National Cooperative Insurance Society of Nigeria Limited
- NNCWA – Nigerian National Cooperative Wholesale Association
- Kaduna Federation of Milk Producers Cooperatives Association Ltd, Kaduna;
Discuss the role of:
- ICD – International Agency for Cooperative Development
- WOCCU – World Council of Credit Unions
- IFAP – International Federation of Agricultural Producers.
History objectives and the importance of the international cooperative alliance. Explain how the network of the movements are conducted; assess their major contributions and linkages with cooperative development in Nigeria.
ACC206: Introduction to Cost and Management Accounting – 3 Credit Units
Nature, Scope and Functions of Cost and Management Accounting. The Principles underlying the preparation and presentation of Cost Accounts for various types of business. The Different Meanings of ‘Cost’: Viz: Historical Costs, Standard Cost, Marginal Cost, Average Cost etc. Cost Unit and Cost Centres. The Elements of Cost and Classification of Costs. Cost Accounting for Material, labour, Over-heads and Equipment: Job and Process of Cost Accounting, Elements of Marginal Costing, Standard Costing and Budgetary Control. Double Entry Accounts for Cost Control. Nature and Uses of Accounting Ratio. Elementary Break-even Analysis, Current Problems and Issues.
ACC204: Introduction to Financial Accounting II – 3 Credit Units
The Journals. Trial Balance I: Errors and Suspense Account. Trial Balance Ii: Special Kind of Errors. Current Assets and Current Liabilities. Long-Term Liabilities and Ownership Equity. Revenue Expenditure and Capital Expenditure. Bad Debts and Allowances for Bad Debts. Accruals and Prepayments. Depreciation I: Introductory Concepts and Methods. Depreciation Ii: Further Issues and Accounting Entries. Accounting for The Purchase and Sale of Non-Current Assets. Inventory Valuation I: Periodic Inventory Model, Inventory Valuation Ii: Perpetual Inventory Model. Manual and Computerized Accounting System. The Conceptual Framework and Accounting Policy. Financial Statement of a Sole Trader – Income Statement. Financial Statement of a Sole Trader – Financial Position. Financial Statement of a Sole Trader – Comprehensive illustration. Extended Trial Balance of a Sole Proprietorship. Bank Reconciliation Statement. Control Accounts: Sales and Purchases Ledgers.
PAD202: Introduction to Public Administration – 3 Credit Units
Evolution of Public Administration in Nigeria. Growth of Public Administration. Meaning/Definition of Public Administration. Reasons for Studying Public Administration. Ecology of Public Administration Administration and Organisation. Public Administration as an Arts or Science. Importance of Public Administration. Scope of Public Administration. Functions of Public Administration. Private and Public Administration: Differences and Similarities. Relationship between Public Administration and Politics. Approaches to Public Administration. Scientific Management Theory. Classical Theory of Organisation. Human Relation Theory. Methods of Inquiry in Public Administration. Nigerian Civil Service
GST302: Entrepreneurship studies – 2 Credit Units
Some of the ventures to be focused upon include the following: 1. Soap/Detergent, Tooth brushes and Tooth paste making 2. Photography 3. Brick, nails, screws making 4. Dyeing/Textile blocks paste making 5. Rope making 6. Plumbing 7. Vulcanising 8. Brewing 9. Glassware production/Ceramic, production. 10. Paper production 11. Water treatment/Conditioning/Packaging 12. Food processing/packaging/preservation 13. Metal working/Fabrication – Steel and aluminum door and windows 14. Training industry 15. Vegetable oil/and Salt extractions 16. Fisheries/Aquaculture 17. Refrigeration/Air conditioning 18. Plastic making 19. Farming (crop) 20. Domestic Electrical wiring 21. Radio/TV repairs 22. Carving 23. Weaving 24. Brick laying/making 25. Bakery 26. Tailoring 27. Iron welding 28. Building drawing 29. Carpentry 30. Leather tanning 31. Interior decoration 32. Printing 33. Animal husbandry (Poultry, Piggery, Goat etc) 34. Metal Craft – Blacksmith, Tinsmith etc 35. Sanitary wares 36. Vehicle maintenance 37. Bookkeeping
POL305: Elements of Government – 3 Credit Units
Nature of Politics: Society and Social Organisation: The State. The Problem of Law; Constitution and Constitutionalism; Political Ideology. The Classical Heritage, Plato, Aristotle; Stoleism and Pax Romanica: Revolt, Towards the Mass Man. Organs of Government (National Governmental Institutions); Public Administration; Political Parties and Pressure Groups; Public Opinion and Propaganda; Elections; International Order.
BUS325: Human Resource Management – 2 Credit Units
Supply and demand characteristics of labour by types, organization of the personnel functions; manpower planning; employee motivation, leadership styles; employee training and development; performance appraisal, disciplinary procedure; employee welfare; labour law and policies.
MKT301: Consumer Co-operatives – 2 Credit Units
The History of the British Consumer Cooperative Movement. The Structure and Problems of Consumer Cooperative in Nigeria. The Concept of Competitive and Monopolistic Market Structure. The Social Criticisms of the Capitalist Market – High Prices, Wasteful Advertising, Hoarding Goods. The Diseconomies of the Prevailing Distributive System. The Introduction of Consumer Cooperative in Nigeria with The NSCA in 1940. Reasons for Failure of Early Societies. The Choice Between a “Top-Downwards” and “Bottom-Upward” Organisation Structure. Organisation Structure of Cooperative Societies in Nigeria. The History and Strength of Consumer Cooperatives in Nigeria Today. Organisation and Management of Consumer Cooperatives. Selling, Financing, Pricing and Salesmanship. Book-Keeping in a Consumer Cooperatives. Distribution of Surplus. General Meetings: Committee Meetings, Functions of the General Manager. Duties of Secondary and Apex Consumer Societies. Case Study Guides to Case Study for Examination Purposes and Class Discussion.
CRD303: Rural Finance – 3 Credit Units
Comparisons between William Raiffeison and Schultze Delitszch credit societies. The concept of thrift, savings, loans and credit, Need for shortterms, medium-term and long-term credit in rural areas. Time value of money-compounding and discounting. The concept of rural banking programme, credit Union in U.S.A. and Caissess Populaire in Canada. Credit institutions in rural areas – Isusu, Daily Savings, Club, local money lenders, other SHOs etc. The history of CTLS, CTCS and Credit Unions in Nigeria. The primary, secondary and tertiary Co-operative Credit Societies. Cooperative Banks, Co-operative Financing Agencies: Government agricultural and industrial credit programmes (NACB, NIDB, NBCI, etc), Supervised Credit Scheme of Stat Governments Agencies (CFAs).
CRD305: Rural Development – 2 Credit Units
The concept and definitions of rural development. Rural development and community development. Agricultural development and rural development. Rural infrastructure and industrialization and rural development; other components, of rural development. Agents of rural development. Planning and rural development. Specific strategies of rural development in Nigeria. Co-operatives and rural development. Problems of rural development. Theoretical foundation and the dynamics of leadership. Role of leadership in programmes of change and development. Identification, selection, training and use of local leaders in extension and rural development programmes. Solutions of problems and their application to rural social systems. Women and youth programmes and their relevance to community-development. Programme planning; kinds and quality of programmes; problems and prospects. Institutional framework for women and youth programmes in Nigeria.
CRD307: Producer Cooperative – 2 Credit Units
Nature of producers cooperative. Definition of management and fundamentals of cooperative management. Structure of management and management committee (Manager). Objectives of Management of producers cooperative. Producers cooperative production plan. Procurement and movement of material. Inspection of products. Managing Transportation. Accounts as instrument of management. Cost Accounting for management decision. Statistics and management appraisal and planning. Staff management and Team work. Relations of Staff and cooperative members. External relations. Management controls. Problems of producers cooperative in Nigeria
BUS317: Production Management – 3 Credit Units
Examination of production processes from small manufacturing outfits to fully-automated production lines such as exits in brewing industry. Production systems and models. Production planning, sales forecasting factors of production and linear programming. CPM and PERT systems of production control. Plant layout and materials handling systems. Inventory control mechanism as applied to inventories of raw materials work- in- progress and finished goods. Inventory control models such as Economics Order Quantity, tools for integrated planning and control functions in production.
ENT307: Natural Resource Management – 2 Credit Units
Geopolitical Territories and Cultural Heritages. Six Political Zone and State Grouping. Federal Capital Territory and its Resources. South South Cultural Heritage. South West Cultural Heritage. South East Cultural Heritage. North Central Cultural Heritage. North East Cultural Heritage. North West Cultural Heritage. Solid Waste Management in Nigeria. Characteristics and Importance of the Agricultural Sector in Nigeria. The Agricultural Sector during Pre and Post-Independence Period. Characteristics and Prospects of the Nigerian Agricultural Sector. Policy Intervention in the Nigerian Agricultural Sector. Characteristics and Importance of the Mining Sector. The Crude Oil Sector. Solid Minerals and Associated Gas Sector. The Challenges and Prospects of the Mining Sector.
ENT301: Sociology of Entrepreneurship – 2 Credit Units
This course will explore the dimensions of culture to the practice of entrepreneurship. Attention will be given to the works of theorists and sociologists who have made contributions in this field. A comparison of supply and demand perspectives will be undertaken to appraise how they contribute to the emergence of entrepreneurs in the society with particular reference to the Nigerian society.
FMS304: Research Methodology – 3 Credit Units
To introduce learners to research, Research process, research methods, scientific approach to research, research problems, formulation of hypotheses, literature review, types of research, variables in research, sampling techniques, techniques in research, validity in research, research design proposals, research reports.
Skills of Scientific Investigation, information Gathering, Analysis and interpretation in dealing with business and organization behaviour problems in Nigeria; the art of problem identification and analysis, data gathering, analysis and report writing; the problems and prospects of business research in a seller’s market like Nigeria.
CRD322: Co-operative Field Administration – 3 Credit Units
The nature and importance of co-operative field administration. The organization of the Registrar Department – The head office and field staff. The implementation of the statutory and non-statutory functions of the Registrar. The ideal qualities of Field/Extension officers of the Registrar (Director) of co-operatives. The problems of the field officers motivating the field officers. Appraising the activities of the registrar’s field officers.
CRD324: Rural Development Strategies – 3 Credit Units
Planning, implementation and appraisal of rural development projects – agriculture, small-scale industries, health, rural market, infrastructures, mass literacy drive. Methods of motivating society for social actions through the community development organizers. The different approaches to community modernization. Detail study of past and present government programmes – War Against Indiscipline (WAI), Mass Mobilization for Social Justice, Economic Recovery and Self Reliance (MAMSER), Directorate of Food, Roads and Rural infrastructure (DFRRI) etc. Reference will also be made to the various State Government Blueprints on rural development.
CRD326: Co-operative Education – 3 Credit Units
Meaning of “Education” and “Co-operative Education”. Reasons for cooperative education. Target groups and scope of co-operative education. Cooperative education as adult education – aims, basic principles. The adult learner and the learning environment etc. Teaching/learning methods in Cooperative education (traditional/Participative methods. Teaching tools and audio-visual aids – radio; TV; Video, films, OHP etc. – their uses and limitations. Financing co-operative education: Follow-up, evaluation and feed-back devices.
PAD328: Community Development and Social Change – 3 Credit Units
Theories of community development, Community as a unit of social change; Micro and macro approaches to social change; elements and processes of change, Dimensions of social change; overview of theories of development; types of social changes-planned, unplanned social structure and differentiation,; measurement of change in rural areas; resistant and conductive forces of change; Social movements and changes in contemporary Nigeria; traditional institutions and their transformation; case studies in community development and social change.
CRD320: Cooperative Management and Organization – 2 Credit Units
Cooperative Management Cooperative Management, Cooperative Business Compared with investor Owned Business, Cooperative Democracy: Structure of Cooperative Democracy, Measures to Make Democratic Control Effective, Board – Executive Relationship, Job Description of a Member, Decision Making in Cooperatives: Concept, Kinds, Process and Techniques, Techniques of Decision Making, The Operational Efficiency of Cooperatives, Performance Appraisal Concept, Performance Appraisal and Key Result Areas in Cooperatives, Cooperative Training Methods Cooperative Training-Some Concepts, The Training Process, Cooperative Training Techniques, Cooperative Training Techniques (Lectures, Audiovisual, Techniques, Videoconferencing and Others),
Management Development and Promotion of Cooperatives Recommendation (2002) International Labour Conference (20 June 2002) Recommendation 193, Implementation of Public Policies for the Promotion of Cooperatives, International Cooperation, Framework of cooperative legislation Cooperative principles, The Systemic Nature of the Cooperative Law, One Cooperative Law or Several Laws?
CRD330: IT/SIWES Practical Field Work Experience – 3 Credit Units
We recommend a three months practical work experience during the long vacation preceding the final year of the programme. The practical field experience should take place with a cooperative group in a rural setting. Students should work at least on a named project with a cooperative group. Detailed reports should be submitted at the end of the practical filed work period.
BFN310: Micro-Credit Policy & Institutions – 2 Credit Units
Credit Policies in Nigeria; Micro- credits and the prevailing SMEEIS policy; modes of operations of micro-credit institutions in Nigeria; lending administration; portfolio management; micro-credit institutions; community banks and finance houses; co-operative societies and contemporary issues – micro-finance banks.
CRD 326: Agro-Business Management – 2 Credit Units
Overview of agro-business; strategic planning in agro-business; forecasting demand in agro-business; inventory management and control in agro-business; warehousing management in agro-business; financing of agro-business; record management in agro-business; managing risks in agro-business; the role of Nigerian agricultural insurance; corporation in agro-business; promotion strategies for agro- products; grading and pricing of agro- product; corporation in agro-business; branding and packaging of agro-products; distinction of agro products; market opportunities for agro-products.
ENT302: Feasibility and Business Planning – 2 Credit Units
Sources of information for feasibility studies; generating data for feasibility studies; business description; choice of business location; technical analysis; management plan for operations; marketing strategy; marketing analysis; financial analysis; plan implementation; financing plan (sources of funds etc); writing business proposals; writing a loan proposal.
ENT 407: Entrepreneurship – 3 Credit Units
Definitions, Roles and Functions/Values of Entrepreneurship, history of Entrepreneurship, role of Entrepreneurship in the National Economy, functions of an Entrepreneur Entrepreneurship and Forms of Business Ownership. Starting a New Business, Buying an Existing Business, New Product Development, Business Growth and the Entrepreneur, Law and its Relevance to Business Operations.
ACC419: Advanced Financial Accounting – 3 Credit Units
Review of Company Accounts. Legal and Regulatory Framework of Group Accounts. Consolidated Statement of Financial Position. Consolidated Income Statement. Associated Companies. Multiple Subsidiary and Vertical Structure. Ratio and Interpretation of Account. Business Combination (Takeover, Mergers and Acquisitions). Reconstructions and Reorganization. Account for Banks (with special reference to relevant legislation). Account for Insurance Companies (with special reference to relevant legislation). Insolvency and Bankruptcy. Valuation of business and shares. Accounting for Foreign Branches. Joint Venture Account. Hire Purchase Account. Goods on Sale or Return. Containers Account. Consignment Account. Investment and Securities. Bill of exchange. Pension Fund
BUS403: Group Dynamics – 3 Credit Units
The meaning of group dynamics, assumptions in group dynamics, importance of group dynamics in cooperatives; the place of the individual in the group, motivation, blocks to participation in groups, adjustment to frustrations and blocks; group development, phases of group growth, internal dynamics of groups, external dynamics of groups, selection features and uses of some groups techniques, group evaluation, some studies in group dynamics, analysis of group characteristics relevant to cooperatives;
CRD403: Comparative Co-operatives – 3 Credit Units
History of co-operative development in Nigeria. Organisational structures of the co-operative movement in the States and the Federation of Nigeria. Sectoral analysis of trends and structures in the co-operative sub-sector of the Nigerian economy – agricultural co-operatives including marketing credit and supply ones: co-operative banking and other co-operative financial institutions; consumer co-operatives etc. Co-operative financial institutions; consumer co-operatives etc. Co-operative education in Nigeria. The international nature of the Co-operatives right from their earliest stages. Co-operation on the international basis – the ICA: historical development, functions, structure. The ACOSCA; the International Co-operative Insurance Federation; the Nordisk Andelsforbund (NAF); the Euro – co-op; the Inter-coop; the International Co-operative Bank (INGEBA). The International Cooperative Petroleum Association (ICPA); IIFCO-OP and the OCA etc. Co-operation in selected countries eg: Britain, Germany, Sweden, Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, India, Japan, Latin America.
ACC405: Accounting and Auditing for Cooperatives – 3 Credit Units
The need for accounting in co-operative organizations. The Legal `provisions of books of accounts, the prescribed books for different types of co-operative societies, treatment of postings. Preparation of trial balance and final accounts. The realities of accounting in co-operatives in third world countries. The Registrar’s/Director’s role in accounting in co-operative organizations. Co-operative auditing as a control mechanism. Types of Audit; the qualities of an auditor; types of errors and their correction. The audit report and Registrar’s (Director’s) comments. Discussing the director’s report in general meetings.
CRD407: Project Planning, Management, Monitoring and Evaluation -2 Credit Unit
Concepts and principles of planning, types of planning and plans; strategic planning, participatory planning; the plan of work, the work calendar, stakeholder analysis; the logical framework and its application in project development, monitoring and evaluation; project supervision, leadership and project administration and management; the concept of monitoring and evaluation, reasons for monitoring and evaluation, methods used in monitoring and evaluation,
CRD409: Co-operative Seminar – 2 Credit Units
The aim of the seminar is to acquaint students with topics, themes and problems which are topical in co-operative discussions, seminars, workshops and other intellectual circles at the given time.
(1) Co-operatives and Development – Rural and Urban
(2) Co-operatives and Industrialization
(3) Co-operatives for the Rich or the Poor?
(4) Co-operatives and Self Employment
(5) Co-operatives and Trade unions – Conflictory or complementary
(6) Indigenous versus Imported Co-operatives
(7) Co-operatives and inflation in Nigeria
(8) Co-operatives and Mass Literacy
(9) Co-operatives, Democracy and Efficiency
(10) Co-operatives and Local Government
(11) The State and Co-operatives
(12) Officialization and De-officialization of Co-operatives
(13) Co-operatives and various Programmes – MAMSER, School to Land etc.
(14) Co-operative Organizational Structure, etc.
The students are expected to make power point presentation of 15 numbers of slides etc. discussed by the class under the guidance of lecturers.
MKT411: Marketing for Cooperatives – 2 Credit Units
The concept of marketing and marketing functions various areas of cooperative marketing with special reference to marketing of members’ products. Marketing of agricultural goods and various channels, marketing of non-agricultural goods, pricing, transportation, etc. Calculating members’ bonus. Problems of co-operative marketing – transport, storage, finance, etc.
BUS419: International Business I – 3 Credit Units
Strategy for entry into international markets; control & management of Multinational companies (MNCs); sources of foreign exchange transactions; organizational structure & operating mechanism of MNCs; board of directors; pricing policies; relationship with gov’t agencies; counting public interest issues; marketing to trade blocks & common market; international financial operations.
BUS427: Business Policy and Strategy I – 3 Credit Units
Type of business policies; business policy as a field of study; functions and responsibilities of general management; the concept of corporate strategy; concept of strategy in relation to business, corporations and management; linkages between organization and their environments; introducing a formal strategic planning system in a business firm; concepts of policies, decision making, business objectives, performance, criteria, structure and managerial behaviours; practice in calculating simple financial and economic indices from business data and other accounting information; learning opportunities and threats, strength s and weaknesses of business system.
CRD422: Social Processes and Comparative Rural Social Systems – 3 Credit Units
Sociological theories, analysis of social structure and rural agrarian systems and societies; selected theories of social change, theories of modernization; Involvement of local people in directed change, problems of rural societies, their causes and solutions, special topics in rural sociology, Selected case studies in rural social systems; comparative study of rural social systems of north American countries, Europe, Latin America, Asia and other African countries with Nigeria; lessons from the comparative studies.
BUS424: Organization Theory – 2 Credit Units
The Nature of Organizations And Organisation Theory, Definitions And Characteristics of Organisations, Types of Organisations, What Is Management And Organisation Theory, The Classical-Mechanistic Theory of Organisation And Management, Characteristics of Classical Organisations, The Bureaucratic Model of Organisations, The Administrative Approach, The Scientific Management Approach, The Behavioural-Humanistic Theory of Organisation And Management, Characteristics And Elements of Behavioural Theory, The Human Relations Approach, The Human Resources Approach, Modern Theories of Organisation And Management, The System Approach, The Socio-Technical System Approach, The Quantitative Or Management Science Approach, The Situational Or Task Contingency Approach, Authority And Power In Organisation, The Nature Of Authority And Power, Sources Of Authority And Power, How People Respond to Power, Conflict And Change In Organisation, The Nature And Causes Of Organisational Conflicts, Tools And Strategies of Conflicts, Negative Effects of Organisational Conflicts, Tools and Strategies of Conflict Management, Meaning And Objectives of Organisational Change, Approaches to organisational Change, Resistance to Organisational Change
PAD408: Development Planning – 3 Credit Units
The concept of planning, and planning procedure. Project identification, appraisal, implementation and evaluation. Distinguishing between micro-and macro-planning. Planning in small and large co-operative. Some quantitative aspects of planning. Data and planning. Finance and manpower needs for planning. Problems of planning in co-operatives in third world countries.
ENT428: Small Business Management – 3 Credit Units
Scope and nature of Small Business Management: Business goals; characteristics of small business enterprises; need for small business enterprises. Basic concepts of management and Management Principles – planning, organizing, staffing, direct, controlling, research and budgeting, and their application to co-operatives and Small Business. Co-operative Business from social, legal and economic perspectives. Steps in setting up Co-operative Business. Motivation, leadership, authority and supervision in co-operative organization. Functions of management committee; personnel management in co-operatives. Problems of Co-operative and Small Business Management.
CRD450: Research Project – 6 Credit Units
Students are expected to submit project work for approval bringing into focus all they have learnt in their programme.
CRD430: Cooperative Extension – 2 Credit Units
To develop the learners’ ability to identify cooperative field problems and to equip them with adequate knowledge towards proffering solutions to these problems.
Definition of extension service, general foundations of cooperative extension service, importance of extension service in Nigeria, identification of the legal base, scope and functions of extension service, objectives of extension service; general survey of channels of communication in rural development with particular reference to channels that are suitable for grassroots mobilization such as personal contact, meetings, reports, posters, planned graph, leaflets 9bulletins and circulars) radio, TV, exhibits, fairs, filmstrip/slides, tours/field days; the yardstick that can assist in an effective selection of communication channels for cooperative grassroots mobilization such as performance, content, appeal, speed, coverage, aggression/violence; Highlight the essential ingredients of cooperative extension services – definition, methods and attributes of cooperative extension service, stages of cooperative extension service approaches to cooperative extension service problems of cooperative extension service. Recognise opinion leaders and their roles in cooperative extension service, causes of attitude change;
Definition of planning, recognition of planning as an essential tool for a well-coordinated cooperative extension programme, identify various types of planning with relation to extension programme; simple and topical case studies in cooperative extension service – the guide to case study, advantage of case studies to cooperative extension service, prepare simple case studies and analyse; Diffusion and adoption process – definition of innovation opinion leadership, diffusion and adoption, mention attributes of an innovation, identify stages in rates and adopted categories, the role of the extension agents in the diffusion – adoption process, implications of the diffusion, adoption process for the development of cooperatives in Nigeria.
BUS 428: Business Policy and Strategy II – 3 Credit Units
Types of business policies; business policy as a field study; functions and responsibilities of general management; the concept of corporate strategy; concepts of strategy in relation to business, corporations and management; linkages between organization and their environments; introducing a formal strategic planning system in a business firm; concepts of policies, decision making, business objectives, performance, criteria, structure and managerial behaviours; practice in calculating simple financial and economic indices from business data and other accounting information; learning opportunities and threats, strengths and weaknesses of business system.