3.0 Name of the Programme: Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Business Administration
3.1 Programme Code: 4412 900 Level
3.2 Justification of Programme
In line with the mission of NOUN, and national manpower needs of the country, this MPhil programme is designed to afford primarily academic staff of tertiary institutions who desire PhD degree in meeting accreditation requirements of NUC and other regulatory agencies the opportunity through its flexible mode of delivery and relative cost competitiveness the chance to earn the degree even as they work. The slogan of NOUN is learn at any place at your pace.
In strengthening the capacity of universities and other tertiary institutions to achieve accreditation status, the programme is supporting the strategic initiative of producing the quality senior manpower needed in building the capacity of individuals and institutions in Nigeria as the country strives to achieve sustainable growth and development.
Through the collaborative and networking initiatives of NOUN adequate level of academic staff has been mobilized for the successful mounting of the programme. Please refer to the core academic staff list attached in this presentation.
3.3 Entry/Admission Requirements
The Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Degree in Business Administration is open to anyone who is desirous of acquiring the highest degree in Business Administration. Applicants for this programme will be required to have M.Sc in Business Administration or Management Sciences, with a CGPA of 3.5 from any recognized University.
3.4 Philosophy, Aim and Objectives of the Programme
3.4.1 Philosophy
The Philosophy of the MPhil programme is to produce graduates that are be well-grounded in education and training in the various areas of Business Administration using the cost effective, flexible approaches of Open and Distance Learning. The programme seeks to develop and deepen the spirit of enquiry and responsibility in the learners to enhance their capacity in research, training/teaching and managerial responsibilities in the public and private sectors of the Nation in particular and the globe at large.
3.4.2 Aims:
The programme is designed to strengthen the academic and research competencies as well as sharpen the mind of the learners to think strategically and analytically for making right Management decisions.
3.4.3 Objectives:
On completion of the course, students will be able to:
- develop skills in critical thinking and analysis, logical reasoning and research methodologies to improve their capacity in undertaking rigorous and quality research and formulating administrative policies and strategies at the organizational and national levels;
- demonstrate the Fundamental knowledge, skills and other competencies in the field of Business Administration; and
- Carry out research in the field of Business Administration.
3.5 Duration of the Programme
The minimum period for the completion of the programme is eight (8) semesters and a maximum of twelve (12) semesters
Please note: for any extension beyond specified maximum period, a special permission from the Postgraduate Board will be required.
3.6 Degree Rules and Programme Structure
3.6.1 Degree Rules
To be awarded a MPhil in Business Administration, the student must earn a minimum of 59 credit units made up of 35 credit units from compulsory courses, 12 credit units from elective courses and 12 credit units from thesis. The 59 credit units are distributed as follows:
- Compulsory/core courses (with 3 credit & 2 credit units each) – 35 credit units
- Elective courses (4 with 3 credit units each) – 12 credit units
- Thesis – 12 credit units
Total – 59 Credit Units
3.6.2 Programme Structure;
The programme consists of course work, seminars and Thesis. The MPhil programme is structured for eight (8) semesters. However, students may start their thesis as may be determined by their Supervisors
3.6.3 Outline of Course Structure
900Level |
General Studies |
Compulsory Courses |
Elective Courses |
Total |
No of Courses |
No of Credit Units |
No of Courses |
No of Credit Units |
No of Courses |
No of Credit Units |
No of Courses |
No of Credit Units |
1st Semester |
1 |
3 |
6 |
16 |
2 |
6 |
9 |
25 |
2nd Semester |
– |
– |
5 |
13 |
2 |
6 |
7 |
19 |
2nd, 3rd & 4th Years |
– |
– |
3 |
18 |
– |
– |
3 |
18 |
Total |
1 |
3 |
14 |
47 |
4 |
12 |
19 |
62 |
Outline Programme Proposal MPhil in Administration Business
First Semester
S/N |
Course Code |
Course Title |
Status |
Units |
1 |
GST 907 |
The Good Study Guide |
C |
3 |
2 |
BUS901 |
Management Thoughts and Philosophy |
C |
3 |
3 |
BUS903 |
Advanced Quantitative Techniques |
C |
3 |
4 |
BUS905 |
Imperatives of Globalization |
C |
3 |
5 |
BUS801 |
Operations Management |
C |
2 |
6 |
ENT893 |
Entrepreneurship |
C |
2 |
7 |
E |
6 |
Total Units |
22 |
S/N |
Course Code |
Course Title |
Status |
Units |
1 |
BUS907 |
Seminar in Business Environment |
E |
3 |
2 |
BUS909 |
Management of Change |
E |
3 |
3 |
BUS913 |
Government Business & Society |
E |
3 |
Second Semester
S/N |
Course Code |
Course Title |
Status |
Units |
1 |
FMS902 |
Advanced Research Methodology |
C |
3 |
2 |
BUS904 |
Seminar in Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship |
C |
3 |
3 |
BUS906 |
Seminar in 21st Century Technology in Contemporary Business Administration |
C |
3 |
4 |
BUS810 |
Comparative Management |
C |
2 |
5 |
BUS898 |
Business Policy |
C |
2 |
6 |
E |
6 |
Total Units |
19 |
S/N |
Course Code |
Course Title |
Status |
Units |
1 |
BUS908 |
Seminar in Public Enterprise Management |
E |
3 |
2 |
MKT910 |
Advanced Marketing Theory |
E |
3 |
3 |
BUS912 |
Multinational Enterprises |
E |
3 |
4 |
BUS914 |
Advanced Conflict Management |
E |
3 |
PhD Second, Third and FourthYear
S/N |
Course Code |
Course Title |
Status |
Units |
1 |
BUS917 |
PhD Seminar I |
C |
3 |
2 |
BUS919 |
PhD Seminar II |
C |
3 |
3 |
BUS990 |
PhD Thesis |
C |
12 |
Total Units |
18 |
NOTE: PhD Thesis assessment is in three parts: (1) Thesis proposal defense; (2) pre-thesis defense; and (3) PhD viva
3.6.4 Course Content Specification
GST 907: The Good Study Guide 3 Credit Units
Getting started; how to use the book, why read about study skills, getting yourself organized, what is studying all about, reading and not taking; introduction, reactions. To reading your reading strategy, memory, taking notes, conclusion. Other ways of studying; introduction, learning in groups, tapes and lectures, learning from TV and Radio broadcasts, other study media. Working with number; Getting to know numbers, describing the word, describing the tables, describing with diagrams, and graphs, what is good writing? The importance of writing, what does essay look like, what is a good essay, conclusion; How to write essay; introduction, the craft of writing, the advantages of treating essay writing as craft, making your essay flow, making a convincing case, the experience of writing, preparation for examination.
BUS901: The Management Thoughts and Philosophy 3 Credit Units
This course examines the idea and evolution of management as a field of endeavor\
BUS903: Advanced Qualitative Analysis 3 Credit Units
It is designed to provide learners the opportunity to explore more advanced quantitative techniques for decision-making is general and research in particular. Emphasis will be on multivariate statistical methods, advanced topics in optimization techniques and stochastic models
BUS905: Imperative of Globalization 3 Credit Units
Globalization overview: why has the global economy grown so rapidly? How is it affecting the environment, local economics, and social and cultural customs throughout the world? Questioning Free Trade: What are the positive and negative impacts of free trade? Economy globalization and technological changes: theses processes are examined in relation to the national development or underdevelopment. It is also examines multinational companies’ special mobility and the impact on developing world; Globalization and the Environment; Social equity: Is Social equity relevant to trade issues? What is gained and lost through the gradual homogenization and distortion of cultures as a result of globalization?
BUS907: Seminar in Business Environment 3 Credit Units
The concept, scope and nature of the business environment and environmental scanning, Legislations related to business. Ethical theories of business decision, social and cultural issues in business. Theoretical and practical issues of the Nigerian political economy which dictates the basis of fiscal and monetary policies, macroeconomics management and business practices.
BUS909: Management of Change 3 Credit Units
Management of change is designed to acquaint participants which the issues, techniques and strategies for the, management of change. The first part of the course concentrates on developing expertise in predicting relevant changes in the organization’s task environment and making sure that change initiatives are harmonized with environment. Techniques for environmental scanning and task forecasting will be explored and useful model analyzed. Learners will also discuss and make presentations on current issues such as employee ownership, team based management, mergers and acquisitions and organizational renewal, etc. By the end of the course, participants will understand the techniques for creating a change, managing resistance, and applying change models to various industries and situations.
BUS913: Government Business and Society 3 Credit Units
The course will examine the area of government business and business- society relations as one of the critical area where the general manager spend a considerable amount of time. The responsibilities of the firm in these areas, the role of general manager, the skills needed and ethical and philosophical issues will be discussed.
FMS902: Advanced Research Methodology 3 Credit Units
The objective of this course is to deepen the learners understanding of the traditional scientific research methods. Topics to be discussed include Research in Social, Physical and natural sciences; problems of research in developing countries; common errors in research; types of research; and research in practices; Selecting a topic, problem and hypotheses formulation, research design, instruments and data collection, data analysis and interpretation, research report etc.
The objective is for learners to gain confidence in the applicability and relevance of non-quantitative methods in our research environment, where the tradition of believing in “objective measurement” is strong. Qualitative research methods open up for us a class of research questions that is not accessible within the “normal” scientific method. That is as researchers, qualitative and quantitative from which to choose.
Topics to be discussed include the basics of qualitative research methods and research approach. Some qualitative research approaches as Phenomenography, activity theory and ethnography, data collection methods such as interviews, field studies and rapid rural appraisal, and observations, evaluating collected data
BUS904: Seminar in Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship 3 Credit Units
Learners will gain a well-developed understanding of business enterprises and the entrepreneurial and strategic thinking that drives them in a dynamic competitive regional, national and global economy.
Learners will learn to apply entrepreneurial and strategic management practices (e.g. using case analysis) to organizations of varying sizes. An integral component, future, the foundation of fields, its methodologies, link to planning, decision-making, strategy and public policy. The relationship between core competences (at the company level) and key success factors at the industry shall be examined.
BUS908: Seminar in Public Enterprise Management 3 Credit Units
The study of the nature of public enterprises should be examined in this course, (the origins and classification). A survey of the major issues in the management of public enterprises: organizational patterns, financial management, staffing, control and accountability and relation with other public services, private enterprises and the public
MKT910: Advanced Marketing Theory 3 Credit Units
The objective of this course is to provide learners with knowledge of advanced marketing theory research. Marketing is an applied discipline that is informed by professional Scholarly research in marketing related fields (e.g. Psychology economics). This course provides an in depth review of marketing theory and research, an advanced review of influential theories in the development of marketing thought, and an overview of contemporary theories and research in marketing. Reading materials shall largely be scholarly articles in refereed journals.
BUS912: Multinational Enterprises 3 Credit Units
This course covers World Trade Organization (WTO) and multinational trade agreements. The course will present an overview of the WTO and then focus on multinational trade negotiations. Multinational trade agreement shall be studied in four parts: trade in goods, trade in services, trade-related goods are further divided into three subcategories: Market access, customs-related issues and trade rules. Lastly, this course will look at the future challenges facing the current multinational trading system. Although this course deals with trade agreements, it will put more emphases on economic interpretation rather than the legal aspects. For this course, outside scholars and experts from policy, academic and private sectors may be invited as special guest lecturers.
BUS920: Advanced Conflict Management 3 Credit Units
This course is designed to provide an understanding of intercultural management useful for international management and trade negotiations. Participants are expected to study the different ways various culture think, communicate and behave, particularly within business context, in order to develop a necessary level of cross- cultural competency. Today’s global business implies co-operating, coordinating, negotiating and supervising, using management processes, appropriate management processes, as well as its impact on team-building, ethics, conflict resolution and creative problem solving. Learners will also study their own culturally-based perceptions, to an intercultural context. Although the course will primarily deal with cultural differences in national cultural context, it will also address cultural differences in gender and in organizational level as long as they affect the global business environment.
Foundations and theories of conflict: Theories of Conflict Resolution – An interdisciplinary approach to examination of conflict and conflict resolution theory; Responses to Conflict – An examination of the different approaches to Conflict resolution represented by two party negotiation, facilitative processes such as mediation, the various evaluative processes, adjudicative processes such as litigation and binding arbitration, and the various hybrid processes; Negotiation; Mediation Skill Clinic – A basic introduction to mediation Skills, theory, and ethics; Interpersonal and Intergroup Conflict. Organizational and Community Conflict – An exploration of the dynamics of Conflict in organizations and the community; International and Cross-Cultural Conflict – an examination of the practical negotiation skills central to the resolution of situation-specific international and intercultural conflict. Methodology of Conflict Resolution Research – an introduction to a range of qualitative to a range of qualitative data collection methods with particular focus on techniques used in research on conflict and conflict resolution, including participant observation, content analysis, behavioral mapping and nonintrusive measure, as well as a review of relevant research literature in the field.
BUS917- BUS919 PhD Seminar 3 Credit Units
This seminar introduces learners to the most recent research in the area of management and organizational analysis, examining current issues and trends. Learners have an opportunity to present and discuss their own research and actively engage in the analysis and discussion of the work of others. Results of such examinations shall be presented at departmental or faculty seminars. Requirement of the doctoral seminar shall be at the recommendation of the Supervisor and the approval of the department’s postgraduate sub-committee.
BUS990: Thesis 12 Credit Units
A programme of individual research bearing on a major area of concern to Business Administration and with new insight.
3.7 Language of Instruction
The language of instruction is English language.
3.8 Course Development
Course materials will be developed in-house as far as practicable.
3.9 Quality Assurance
To maintain a high quality programme, the course materials were written by both in-house staff and experienced outside resource persons with sound academic background, mostly Professors, Associate Professors and Senior lecturers. The written course materials were edited by external assessors and validated in accordance with NOUN standard.
3.10 Staff
The National Open University of Nigeria runs the MPhil/PhD programme with it staff in the School of Management Sciences, supported on the field by instructional facilitators who are situated at the various study centers of the University across Nigeria.
The Faculty of Management Sciences has the Following Staff on Ground for the MPhil/PhD Programme:
S/NO. |
1 |
Mande Samaila (Ph.D) |
Marketing Communication |
PhD Business Administration M.Sc Marketing, MBA Marketing, M.Sc Mass Communication, PGD Business Administration |
Professor |
2. |
Osoba Samson B. (Ph.D) |
Transport Planning Management |
PhD Transport Management, M.Sc Transport Management, MBA, PhD Transport Management |
Professor |
3. |
Ugwuanyi, Wilfred (Ph.D) |
Banking & Finance |
Professor |
4. |
Ishola, Timothy O. (Ph.D) |
Business Administration |
PhD Bus. Admin, MBA Marketing, B.Sc. Business Administration, TCE. |
Associate Professor |
5. |
Ogunlela, Yemisi I. (Ph.D) |
Development Administration (Gender Studies, Administration of NGOs). |
Ph.D. Public Administration; MPA; B.Sc. Sociology. |
Associate Professor |
6. |
INUA, Ofe Iwiyisi (Ph.D) |
Accounting |
Ph.D. Accounting (2013), M.Sc. Accounting (2005), PGDE (2006), B.Sc. Accounting (2002) |
Associate Professor |
7. |
IBEME, Nwamaka P. (Ph.D) |
Public Administration |
Ph. D. Public Administration; MPA, PGD Public Administration; B.Sc. Business Administration; HND Secretarial Administration; OND Secretarial Administration. |
Associate Professor |
8. |
Okoh, Johnson I. (Ph.D) |
Finance |
Ph.D. Banking and Finance (2014), MBA Banking and Finance (2004), B.Sc. Accounting (2000), PGDE (2012) |
Associate Professor
9. |
Aturu-Aghedo, Caroline (Ph.D) |
Human Resources Management |
PhD Human Resources Management, MBA Business Administration, PGD Distance Education, B.Sc. Education Curriculum Technology. |
Senior Lecturer |
10. |
Erhinyoja, Sunday Dedekuma (Ph.D) |
Management |
PhD Industrial Relations/Personnel Management, M.Sc. Industrial Relations Management, B.Sc. Economics. |
Senior Lecturer |
11 |
Nnenna Nancy Chukwuma (Ph.D) |
Industrial Relations/Personnel Management |
PhD Industrial Relations/Personnel Management, M.Sc Industrial Relations/Personnel Management, B.Sc Sociology
Senior Lecturer |
12. |
Araga, Abdullahi S. (Ph.D) |
Banking & Finance |
Ph.D. Banking and Finance (2014), MBA (1994), B. Sc. Bus. Admin. (1982), General Cert. of Ed. (A’Level, 1978) |
Senior Lecturer |
13. |
Adegbola, Eunice. A (Ph.D) |
Marketing |
PhD Marketing, M.Sc. Marketing, B.Sc Marketing |
Senior Lecturer |
Facilitations /Supervisors
Experts in relevant and related areas of study from different institutions of learning across the country will supervise the dissertation of students nearest to them; each facilitator is expected to have a minimum of Doctoral Degree with sound academic background and university teaching experience.
3.11 Admission and Registration Procedures
Admission and registration procedure will be as published on NOUN Website
3.12 Instructional Methods and Delivery
Lectures and seminars will be the major instructional and delivery methods.
3.13 Evaluation
Evaluation of the MPhil/PhD in Business Administration programme will take place at the end of each semester which will be based on Continuous Assessment (30%) and end of course examination (70%).
Continuous Assessment
As part of the evaluation mechanism, each student would be expected to review books/articles and make seminar presentations.
End of Semester Examinations
Each course will be examined at the end of the semester through written examinations.
During the last semester of the PhD programme, each student will have approved for him/her a topic on which he/she will carry out research and write an acceptable thesis.
The thesis must demonstrate a good knowledge of the following:
- Clear evidence of analytical understanding of the topic studied;
- Critique of other approaches to the study of the content of your topic and the limitation/delimitation therein;
- Critical evaluation of principles and approaches to successful management of corporate institutions; and
- Data collection, analysis and interpretation.
Award of Degrees
A student will qualify for the award of a PhD degree when he/she has:
- Completed and passed all courses registered for as specified by the university; and
- Earned the credit units not less than 39 from both compulsory and elective courses.
3.14 Learners’ Support
There is a Directorate of Learners Support established by the University to take care of students academic and administration needs at all study centers through counselors and facilitators.
3.15 Recognition of the Programme
The contents of the programme have been benchmarked against the guidelines provided by the National Universities Commission (NUC).
3.16 Conclusion and Prayer
Conclusion: MPhi/PhD in Business Administration programme is designed to develop and deepen the spirit of enquiry and responsibility in the learners to enhance their capacity in research, training and managerial responsibilities in the public and private sectors of the economy