S/N |
Course Code |
New Course Title |
Semester |
Credit Units |
Status |
Host Faculty |
1 |
CIT705 |
Computer Applications in Business |
First |
2 |
C |
Faculty of Science |
2 |
GST707 |
The Good Study Guide |
2 |
C |
Centre for Entrepreneurship and General Studies |
3 |
PAD707 |
Local Government Administration |
2 |
C |
Faculty of Management Sciences |
4 |
BUS727 |
Organisational Behaviour |
2 |
C |
Faculty of Management Sciences |
5 |
FMS731 |
Research Methods |
2 |
C |
Faculty of Management Sciences |
6 |
PULL743 |
Administrative Law |
2 |
C |
Faculty of Law |
7 |
PAD747 |
Introduction to Public Administration |
2 |
C |
Faculty of Management Sciences |
8 |
PAD771 |
Public Personnel Administration |
2 |
C |
Faculty of Management Sciences |
9 |
BFN779 |
Public Financial Management |
2 |
C |
Faculty of Management Sciences |
Electives |
Choose one |
10 |
BFN715 |
Principles of Finance |
2 |
E |
Faculty of Management Sciences |
11 |
ACC757 |
Principles of Accounting |
2 |
E |
Faculty of Management Sciences |
Total Credit Units |
20 |
1 |
PAD710 |
Public Policy Analysis |
Second |
2 |
C |
Faculty of Management Sciences |
2 |
PAD712 |
Administrative Theory |
2 |
C |
Faculty of Management Sciences |
3 |
PAD724 |
Public Enterprises Management |
2 |
C |
Faculty of Management Sciences |
4 |
PAD742 |
Development Theory and Administration |
2 |
C |
Faculty of Management Sciences |
5 |
PAD756 |
Project Analysis and Implementation |
2 |
C |
Faculty of Management Sciences |
6 |
PAD784 |
Comparative Public Administration |
2 |
C |
Faculty of Management Sciences |
7 |
PAD790 |
Research project |
4 |
C |
Faculty of Management Sciences |
Electives |
Choose one |
8 |
BUS726 |
Global Economics Environment |
2 |
E |
Faculty of Management Sciences |
9 |
BUS714 |
Principles of Management |
2 |
E |
Faculty of Management Sciences |
Total Credit Units |
18 |
Note: C – Compulsory Course
The philosophy of the post-graduate Diploma programme is to provide remedial training in basic courses in Public Administration to prepare graduates of universities or equivalent qualifications of those who did not have First Degree in public Administration to either pursue a post graduate degree programmes in the field or prepare them for managerial positions in the public or private sectors.
The Post Graduate Diploma (PGDPA) is designed to
- Provide understanding of the core courses in public administration
- Provide knowledge of the basic skills and tools for decision making in the discipline in the public and private sector
Course Structure
The programme is made up of 13 courses and one long essay. Seven courses are offered during the first semester while six courses and a long essay are offered during the second semester. All courses are assigned 2 credit units each. The long essay carries 4 credits
Core Courses Credit Units
Introduction to Public Administration 2
Development Theory and Administration 2
Administrative Law 2
Local Government Administration 2
Public Finance 2
Comparative Public Administration 2
Administrative Theory 2
Public Enterprises Management 2
Public Policy Analysis 2
Project Analysis and Implementation 2
Organizational Behaviour 2
Public Personnel Administration 2
Research Methodology 2
Research Project 4
Introduction to Public Administration (PAD747)
The course examines the scope, nature and approaches to public administration. Public and private administration are compared, special emphasis will be placed on the Nigeria civil service.
Development Theory and Administration (PAD 742)
The course examines smooth modes, development theories (economic growth, redistribution with growth, basic needs, the Marxist conception, the World Bank concept of the development) decentralization and development and participatory development. It considers approaches to rural development, the role of bureaucracy in third world development, and constraints to effective development. Other issues examined include population and development, culture and development. The concept of human development and how it relates to economic growth; and strategies for human development.
Administrative Law (PULL 743 )
The course examines the growth and characteristics of Administrative Law, legal safeguard over administration, judicial review of administration, administrative procedure, and the Ombudsman. Case studies of legal adjustments of administrative authority and individual liberty, the distinction between public administration and private action, personal liability of officers,, and scope and limits of administrative power.
Local Government Administration (PAD 707 )
The nature, scope, significance and development of local government, Evolution of local government system in Nigeria, Management problems in local government/intergovernmental relations and service delivery, local governments as agents of socio-economic and political development.
Public Finance (BFN 771 )
Examines the distinctive characteristics of government and institutional accounting in financial management, federal, state and local organization. Special methods of accounting and auditing in public agencies and levels of government. The course considers Macro/Micro allocation of resources, types of budgeting, incrementalism, programme budgeting, zero base budgeting, MBO, bulk budgeting, structural budget margin, inter-governmental budget control, coordination of taxation.
Comparative Public Administration (PAD 784)
The course covers the concept of comparison in public administration, and examines the context and system of administration in selected developed and developing countries. It emphasizes the political and policy-making roles of public bureaucracies, the relationship between organized interests and public agencies and the problems of bureaucratic accountability of political accessory in nation and the globe.
Administrative Theory (PAD 712)
This course examines the nature of theory and review major administrative theories. Emphasis will be on classical, neoclassical and modern theories. Theories from behavioural sciences as they apply to the understanding of the role of the individual as a member of organizations and to the effects of organization on members, organizational socialization, climate and effectiveness, power, authority and decision-making in groups.
Public Enterprises (PAD 724 )
This course explores the problem of resources management in public sector organizations responsible for producing both private and social goods. The basic philosophy of public enterprises needs, wants, social obligations and responsibilities; and the interface between economic, social and political factors on one hand, and public sector decision-making on the other shall be examined. Other topics include character of public enterprises, planning, budgeting financial and other controls in public enterprises, problems of planning and coordination in sectors where public and private enterprises compete, and performance evaluation in public enterprises shall be covered. In addition, the dilemma of public enterprise; indigenization, divestment, privatization and commercialization, and the procedures for attaining any of these, shall be discussed drawing examples and case studies from successful countries in Africa and other continents.
Public Policy Analysis (PAD 710)
In this course, basic and related concepts are defined and explored:
Public problem; public interest; public policy and public policy analysis. The course introduce the students to the nature and scope of policy and decision theory, the dynamics of public policy formulation, implementation and evaluation. Special emphasis will be placed on the approaches to policy formulation and decision-making.
Project Analysis and Implementation (PAD 756)
This course introduces the students to the spatial aspects of the contemporary urban and regional units, their structural evolution overtime and the challenges they present to a national procedure of planning development. Particular emphasis is placed on the social, political and economic forces which lapse the land use arrangements of Nigeria and regional units.
Organizational Behaviour (BUS 727)
This course examines conceptual models for organizational behaviour, group dynamics and informal organization, the dynamics of conflict, the basic motivational process, the motivation to work, leadership and power. It further deals with selection, job design and appraisal, applied behavioural analysis and change and organizational development, and also the perceptual process and the learning process, and personality development and theory.
Public Personnel Administration (PAD 7 71)
This course is designed to familiarize the student with the process of effective manpower management. The main focus of the course is recruitment, selection, training, motivation and labour management relations. Examples will be drawn from both public and private sectors.
Research Methodology (FMS 731 )
The objective of this course is to introduce the students to scientific enquiry through gathering and analysis of relevant data.
Research Project (PAD 790 )
The project presents a unique opportunity for the student to specialize in an aspect of administration through a supervised research on an approved topic in public management. The project should not be more than 15,000 words.