Career Profile
Dr Adegbola, Abimbola Eunice is the current HOD in Business Administration Department, Faculty of Management Sciences of National Open University of Nigeria, Abuja. She holds a B.Sc. Zoology from University of Jos before migrating to Management Sciences with a B.Sc. in Marketing, Master of Business Administration from University of Ilorin. Towards earning an academic Master’s degree, she went to UK for M.Sc. Advertising & Marketing from University of Hull before coming back to Nigeria to cap it with a PhD in Marketing from Babcock University in Ogun State. Her research interests lie in the field of Advertising, Marketing and Entrepreneurship.
Abimbola Eunice Adegbola
Management Science
Business Administration
Senior Lecturer
PhD Marketing
Dr Adegbola, Abimbola Eunice have `Five years industry experience and Twenty years in the academia.
1. Adegbola, E.A. & Onu C. A. (2018). Contemporary Issues in Electronic Marketing. In S. Osoba (Ed) Resources Management in the 21st century: emerging issues. Faculty of Management Sciences, National Open University of Nigeria.
2. Mande, S., Adegbola, E. A. & Ajaegbu, I. (2018). Product Life Cycle and Branding Strategies. S. Osoba (Ed) Resources Management in the 21st century: emerging issues. Faculty of Management Sciences, National Open University of Nigeria.
3. Adegbola, E. A. (2013). An Overview of Marketing. In Maduabum, C.P (Ed.) Contemporary Issues in Marketing Management in Organizations. Faculty of Management Sciences, National Open University of Nigeria.
4. Adegbola E. A. (2010). Motivation and Performance in Open University: A case study of NOUN. In Olojede, I (Ed.) Operating Open and Distance Learning in Nigeria: The NOUN Experience, Lagos: Concept Publications.
5. Adegbola E. A., & Abdullahi S. A (2022): Do Social Media Enhance Delivery of Open and Disstance Learning Programmes in NOUN, Nigeria? Pan-Commonwealth Forum 10 (PCF10), 2022 Calgary, Canada. https://oasis.col.org/items/46d3b11f-1a30-4e0c-ab88-7a471ea00197
6. Abduraheem, M., Imouokhome, E. O., Adegbola, E. A., & Olujide, O. J. (2019). Entrepreneurial Innovation: A Tool for Poverty Reduction. A study of selected Entrepreneurs in Ilorin Metropolis. The 1st International Conference of Faculty of Management Sciences, National Open University of Nigeria, Abuja.
7. Bamidele, S. A., Buhari, A. & Adegbola, E. A. (2018): Electricity supply and private investment productivity in Nigeria: A Var approach. Academic Conference on Accounting and Finance, organized by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria in conjunction with Covenant University, Ota, Ogun state.
8. Adegbola, E. A. (2018). Evaluation of Predictors of online shopping behavior of consumers in Nigeria. The 4th International Conference on Social Sciences, Nile University of Nigeria, Abuja.
9. Adegbola, E. A., & Mande, S. (2017). Negative Consumer Perception of Made in Nigeria Goods: An Appraisal. The 2017 Faculty of Management Sciences International Conference on African Entrepreneurship and innovation for sustainable development,NnamdiAzikiwe University.
10. Adegbola E. A., & Lawal, K.A.A. (2014). Strategic Importance of Micro finance to small and medium scale enterprise’s growth in a developing nation: A Mechanism for sustainability. The 2014 Faculty of Management Sciences International Conference, NnamdiAzikiwe University, Awka.
11. Adegbola E. A., & Hamza, A. A. (2008). Training Needs of Tutorial Instructional Facilitators of MBA programs of National Open University of Nigeria. 2nd ACDE Conference and General Assembly on Open and Distance Learning for Sustainable Development. Lagos.
12. Mande, S. & Adegbola, E. A. (2019). Influence of Advertising on Market share of the Bells University, Ogun State, Nigeria. APCON National Advertising Conference. Abuja.
13. Adegbola, E.A., Abdullahi, S. A., Alabi, J. A., Ibrahim, M. G.(2022) Impact assessment of Central Bank of Nigeria’s MSMEs fund on development of entrepreneurship in Nigeria. African Journal of Bushiness Dev. And Management Resources. 27(7). 49-64. https://www.africanscholarpublications.com/african-scholar-journal-of-business-dev-management-res-vol-27-no-7/
14. Adegbola, E. A. (2021). Online Marketing as a Tool for Increased Profitability: A Study of Konga and Jumia. Hallmark University Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 3(1), 159 – 166.
15. Adegbola, E. A., & Ibrahim, M. G. (2020). The Impact of Promotional Strategies on Business Growth and Development: A Study of De-United Foods Limited, Lagos, Nigeria. FUW Journal of Economics Management and Social Sciences, 6(2), 150-160.
16. Imouokhome, E. O., Adegbola, E. A., Abdulraheem, M., Bello, K. A. (2020). Relationship Marketing: A Sustainable Tool for Customer Satisfaction in the Nigerian Banking Industry. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 22(1), 172 – 188.
17. Adegbola, E. A., Binuyo, A. O., & Afolabi, G. K. (2020). Effect of Marketing Communications on Customer Satisfaction of Selected Private Universities in South-West, Nigeria. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 12(2), 78-84. https://econpapers.repec.org/article/ibnijmsjn/v_3a12_3ay_3a2020_3ai_3a2_3ap_3a78.htm
18. Adegbola, E. A., Binuyo, A. O., & Afolabi, G. K. (2020). Effect of Marketing Communications on Institutional Performance of Selected Private Universities in South-West, Nigeria. International Journal of Advanced Studies in Economics and Public Sector Management, 8(1), 257-274.
19. Adegbola, E. A., Binuyo, A. O., & Afolabi, G. K. (2019). Moderating Effect of Institutional Age on the Relationship between Integrated Marketing Communications and Institutional Performance of Selected Private Universities in South-West, Nigeria. FUO Quarterly Journal of Contemporary Research, 7(4), 124-141.
20. Adegbola, E. A., Binuyo, A. O., & Afolabi, G. K. (2019). Effect of Integrated Marketing Communications on Brand Loyalty of Selected Private Universities in South-West, Nigeria. FUO Quarterly Journal of Contemporary Research, 7(4), 205-220.
21. Adegbola, E. A. (2019). Impact of Online Presence on the Performance of Businesses in Lagos State, Nigeria. Western Delta University Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 3(3), 14-22.
22. Adegbola, E. A. (2019). Minimising Investment and Political Risk in Choice of Market Entry Strategy by Multinational Corporation. Western Delta University Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 3(3), 74-83.
23. Onu, C. A., Nwaulune, J., Adegbola, E. A., & Nnorom, G. (2019). The Effect of Celebrity Physical Attractiveness and Trustworthiness on Consumer Purchase Intentions: A Study on Nigerian Consumers. Management Science Letters, 9(1), 1965-1976.
24. Adegbola, E. A. (2019). Impact of Training and Development on Employees’ Performance of Selected Construction Firms in Nigeria. FUO Quarterly Journal of Contemporary Research, 7(3), 161-174.
25. Lawal, K.A.A., & Adegbola, E. A. (2019). Mode of Marketing and Sales Volume of Tomatoes in the Metropolitan Region of Lagos State, Nigeria. FUO Quarterly Journal of Contemporary Research, 7(3), 239-249.
26. Adegbola, E. A. (2019). Access to Strategic Assets and Competitive Advantage of Financial Tech Companies in Nigeria. NOUN Journal of Management and International Development, 5(2), 209-217.
27. Onu, C. A., Akinlabi, B. H., & Adegbola, E. A. (2019). Work Life Balance and Normative Commitment of Employees in the Selected Deposit Money Banks in Ogun State, Nigeria.
https://www.eajournals.org/journals/european-journal-of-business-and-innovation- research-ejbir/vol-6-issue-5-october-2018/work-life-balance-and-normative-commitments-of-employees-in-the-selected-deposit-money-banks-in-ogun-state-nigeria/
28. Onu, C. A., & Adegbola, E. A. (2019). Strategic Marketing Practices and Environmental Perception of Customer Orientated Service in Nigeria Deposit Money Banks in Lagos State. https://eujournal.org/index.php/esj/article/view/11392
29. Eyanuku, J. P., & Adegbola, E .A. (2019). Effects of Sales Promotion on Organizational Performance: A study of Eco Bank Nigeria Plc. Verita Journal of Business Administration and Management, 2(1), 76-91.
30. Oyenuga, M. O., Sufian, J. B., & Adegbola, E. A. (2018). Total Quality Management Practices and Customer Retention and Satisfaction: Evidence from Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency. Journal of Accounting and Management, 1(2), 102-107.
31. Adegbola, E. A., Onu, C. A., Bamidele, S. A. & Katagum, B. (2018). Effects of Customers’ Perception of Price, Quality and Loyalty on Brand Image of Five Star Hotels in Lagos State, Nigeria. Lapai International Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 10(1&2), 262-273.
32. Izogo, E. E., Jaywardhena, C. & Adegbola, E. A. (2018). Creating Particularized Trust in E-Retailers Through Experimental Value and Generalized Trust. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 26(6), 1-25.
33. Adegbola, E. A., & Bamidele, S. A. (2017). The Impact of Osun cultural festival on the development of economic activities of Osun State. Bayero Journal of Social Science and Administration, 2(1), 84-97.
34. Adegbola, E. A. (2017). Exploratory Study of Negative Consumer Perceptions of Made In Nigeria Products. NOUN Journal of Management and International Development, 4(4), 121-136.
35. Olusanya, S. O., Sufian, J. B., & Adegbola, E. A. (2015). Long-run Relationship between Capital Market and Economic Growth in Nigeria. NOUN Journal of Management and International Development, 3(3), 145-164.
36. Olusanya, S. O. & Adegbola, E. A. (2015). Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Organizational Image. A spearman’s rank correlation coefficient analysis. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Review, 5(3), 175-187.
37. Mande S. & Adegbola, E. A. (2014). Corporate Social Responsibility and Marketing: An Exploratory Review. Sokoto Journal of Management Studies, 7(2), 125-139.
38. Olusanya, S. O., & Adegbola E. A. (2014). Impact of Total Quality Management Practice on Small and Medium Scale Enterprise in Nigeria: A Case Study of Small Business Owners in Lagos. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 16(4), 39-45. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Impact-of-Total-Quality-Management-Practice-on-and-Olusanya-Adegbola/73c63698e9baf336f7108e479b98a546625a
39. Adegbola, E. A. (2014). Corporate Social Responsibility as a Marketing Strategy for enhanced performance in the Nigerian banking industry: A Granger causality approach. Precedia-Social and Behavioural Sciences, Volume 164, Pg 141-149. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877042814058820
40. Adegbola E. A. (2013). Strategic Management as a tool for Marketing in a Developing Country. NOUN Journal of Management and International Development, 2.(1), 11-19.
41. Adegbola E. A. (2011). Contributions of Relationship Marketing to Business Growth and Development. JABU International Journal of Social and Management Sciences, 3(1), 68 – 80.
42. Adegbola E. A. (2010). Relevance of E-learning in the training of Management Specialist: The Nigerian Business Environment in focus. JABU International Journal of Social and Management Sciences, 2(1), 153 – 161.
43. Ambe-Uva T. N & Adegbola E.A. (2009). Open Flexible Learning as a Strategy for Enhancing Human Security in Nigeria. International Journal of Education and Development using Information Communication Technology, 5(3), 148-156. http://ijedict.dec.uwi.edu/viewarticle.php?id=824.
44. Ayetigbo, O. A., Adegbola, E. A., & Abdurrahaman, D. T. (2023). Impact of Human Capital Development on Organizational Performance: A Case Study of Tetfund Intervention for NOUN Employees. NOUN Journal of Management and International Development, 8 (1), 261-275. Nigeria.
45. Fagbuyi, A. O., Adegbola, E. A., & Chukwuma, N. N. (2023). New Technology Adoption and Artisan’s Output in Akure, Ondo State, South West Nigeria. Lead City Journal of the Social Sciences, 8, 103-117.
46. Abdurrahaman, D. T, Ayetigbo, O. A., Okunlola C. O. & Adegbola, E. A (2024). Revisiting the Factors Affecting Cryptocurrency Adoption: Evidence from Nigeria. Journal of African Business, 1-28. https://doi.org/10.1080/15228916.2024.2432695. SCOPUS. London.
47. Uzor, N. L., Adegbola, E. A., Alabi, J. A., Chukwuma, N., & Araga S. A. (2024). Effect of motivation on Job Satisfaction and Performance: A Study of Nigeria Police Force, African Journal Online, 13(1), 48-61.
48. Okhiria, V. O., Aturu-Aghedo, C., Chukwuma, N. N., Adegbola, E. A., Araga S. A., Ume, E. (2024). Effect of Organizational Values on Employee Performance: A Study of Selected Multinational Corporations in Lagos State, Nigeria. Duste International Journal of Social and Economic Research, 11, 40-57.
49. Ayetigbo, O. A., Binuyo, O. A., Adegbola, E. A., & Alabi, J. B. (2024). Financial inclusion and financial performance: examining the role of corruption and rule of law in Nigeria. Ondo Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 24(1)177-201. Nigeria.
50. Egbe, S. E., Aturu-Aghedo, C., & Adegbola, E. A. (2023). Work Training: A panacea for Personanel Productivity (A Study of Shoprite Limited, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria). Internaytional Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 6(2), 39-56.
Research interests lie in the field of Advertising, Marketing and Entrepreneurship
1. Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Eunice_Adegbola2
2. Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Em4wPgMAAAAJ&hl=en
3. Academia edu https://noun.academia.edu/EuniceAbimbolaAdegbola
4. ORCID Id https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5850-4100
1) NOUN 2021 Research Grant for a study on:
Impact Assessment of CBN MSMEs Fund on Development of Entrepreneurship: A Study of Selected States in Nigeria. 2021,#1.8million naira, Principal Investigator, NOUN Senate Research grant.
2) Tetfund 2023 Research Grant for a study on:
Poverty and Inequality: A Study of the Socioeconomic Causes of Conflicts in the Northcentral States of Nigeria. 2023,#2.8million naira, Principal Investigator, Tetfund Research grant.
3) NOUN 2024 Research Grant for a study on:
Trader Moni Funding Scheme and Business Sustainability of Micro Enterprises in Nigeria. 2021,#2.5million naira, Principal Investigator, NOUN Senate Research grant.